
Update on Bill 124 Remedy

Subject: 🚩Action req’d Update on Bill 124 Remedy To: School Board Local Presidents, OSBCU Executive Board and National Staff servicing the sector Please share this communication with your membership. We

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EFG – eNews Contest

When it comes to financial literacy and professional financial advice, don’t settle for the generic kind. Subscribe to (please tag @Educators Financial Group on Facebook or @EducatorsFG on Twitter/Instagram)’s e-newsletter

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Hi Friend, We are writing to bring to your attention a deeply concerning development that is set to unfold across our nation, starting on September 20th. The ultra-conservative right has

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Wildfire Smoke

Wildfire Smoke On the 18th of August the CUPE National Health and Safety Branch putout a New Fact Sheet on Wildfire Smoke.  As we see daily on the news theWildfires

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