
September 2024 Newsletter

Vice President’s Message WELCOME BACK TO A NEW SCHOOL YEAR!!! As we embark on a new school year, I want to take a moment to extend a warm welcome back

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June 2024 Newsletter

Vice President’s Message  As we approach the end of another remarkable year, I am filled with immense pride and gratitude for the incredible work each of you have contributed to

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March 2024 Newsletter

President’s Message Dear Sisters and Brothers, When we think of March, we think of March break, and St. Patrick’s Day, however there is also a very important day that is

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December 2023 Newsletter

President’s Message Dear Sisters and Brothers, It’s hard to believe we are 4 months into the school year. The cooler weather is upon us and Christmas Break is just around

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September 2023 Newsletter

President’s Message Dear Sisters and Brothers, Wow! In a blink of an eye, summer break is gone and we are back to our normal work routines. As always, our Custodial/Maintenance/Facility

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June 2023 Newsletter

President’s Message Dear Sisters and Brothers, Another school year has come and gone. I have found that this past school year has went by fasterthan prior years; so much has

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March 2023 Newsletter

President’s Message Dear Sisters and Brothers, It has been three months since my last report and very little has changed when it comes to Local negotiations. We have continued to

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December 2022 Newsletter

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September 2022 Newsletter

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June 2022 Newsletter

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