President’s Message
Dear Sisters and Brothers,
It’s hard to believe we are 4 months into the school year. The cooler weather is upon us and Christmas Break is just around the corner. I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year. The holidays can be a hard time for those that are dealing with loss or illness, for the fortunate, we are able to count our blessings, but for those that are struggling during this time, we the fortunate need to be mindful of those that are struggling and reach out to them and offer love and support.
The new Collective Agreements are in the final stage of review before posting. Once this is complete they will be posted on our website. If you are having any problems accessing your CUPE email, please contact the office so that we can help.
Bill 124 Remedy
Compensation increases for all compensation amounts to which the 1% increases applied in the 2019-22 collective agreements, which will then result in additional increases in the 2022-2026 collective agreements because the 2022-2026 compensation increases will be applied on top of the higher 2021 base rates.”
These increases will be:
0.75% for September 2019
0.75% for September 2020
An amount to be determined by an arbitrator between 1.5% and 3.25% for September 2021
The Arbitrator hearing dates are scheduled for January 14 & 15, 2024. The date that the decision is given will very likely be the determination date except in the unlikely event of a judicial review application and will be the basis of all future timelines regarding implementation. Within 120 days of the determination date school boards will need to pay out all retro payments and begin paying on a go forward basis the new rate.
These increases are in addition to the 1% already received in each of these years, will be compounded and included in the salary grids, wage schedules, applicable premiums and allowances that are in effect. These increases will also be pensionable. Retro will be paid to all members who worked in 2019, 2020 and 2021 even if they no longer work at the board. Members who worked 2022, 2023 and 2024 will also receive retro for hours worked in those years because of the base wage increases in the remedy.
During the time that I have worked out of the office I have met many people. I have been blessed to work alongside of intelligent, dedicated Sisters and Brothers. The time comes when one will make a decision to step away and move on to a new chapter in life. Sister Sue Wilkinson has decided to retire. Sister Wilkinson has been invaluable to CUPE Local 218, she has held the position as the Local’s Secretary – Treasurer for many years plus has been a part of many other committees. Sister Wilkinson will be greatly missed as an active member but I am sure she will continue to support Local 218 for many years to come. Please take a moment of your time and wish Sister Wilkinson a happy retirement.
While I am on the topic of people moving on to new chapters in their lives, I would also like to recognize Sister Ramona McDonald. Sister McDonald has been the locals Recording Secretary for quite some time and has always done an outstanding job. Sister McDonald has decided to step away from this position, I would like to truly thank her for her years of service to the Local and wish her all the best.
With these positon becoming vacant I would like to welcome Sister Maureen Cope to the Position of Secretary – Treasurer and Sister Allison Petty to the Position of the Recording Secretary. I would also like to welcome Sister Anita Condron to the position of the health and Safety representative for the EA unit with the Durham Catholic District School Board.
In Solidarity
Dennis Gibbs
Vice President’s Message
We are fast approaching a well-deserved break in our school year. The entire membership has felt and seen the impact of the lack of supports and funding in the education sector. We are often going short staff with our employers expecting the same results as if they had a full complement of staffing each day. I hope that each of you are taking time for yourself and your family. Our physical and medical health is imperative for our success both, personally and professionally. Most of you are aware of the update from OSBCU regarding Bill 124. OSBCU and CUPE challenged Bill 124 through a charter challenge. For the 2019 and 2020 years there will be an addition .75% increase on top of the 1% that we already received. For the 2021 year, this will be determined by an arbitrator between 1.5 and 3.25%. The Arbitrator should be making a ruling on that increase in January. Once that has been announced, the school boards have 120 days to provide payment to all eligible members. This deadline is not negotiable. We have already reached out to both boards to discuss the obligations on both the Board and the Union.
I would like to congratulate Allison Petty in her new role as the Recording Secretary and to Maureen Cope as the new Secretary Treasurer. Their leadership and knowledge will be a great asset in the local and I look forward to working with both. I know they are both excited and ready to take on their new roles. As most of you are aware of the various social media pages that are privately run by members and share information from our webpage and emails. I always encourage that you reach out to your unit chair or the CUPE office to confirm any questions that are being asked and answered on these pages are accurate.
I started my newsletter discussing the impact of staff shortages in our workplaces. We are currently in the process of collective data regarding shortages in our schools. The data collected will be beneficial when reaching out to both the employer and trustee’s when needed. Having said this, if you are being expected to do more in your shift or having additional responsibilities added to your shift, reach out to your unit chair or the CUPE office. Both employers are putting higher demands and expectations on us resulting on us doing the additional work for free. We are hearing from the membership that workload and violence are a huge concern in the schools.
There has been a violence survey that has gone out from the OSBCU and I encourage each of you to take the time to complete the survey. Below is the link for the survey.
CUPE 218 also has started a violence campaign and at the start of the school year we had 4 seminars for staff to join to discuss violence, incident reporting, work refusal and any questions that members wanted to bring forward during those meetings. There have been many successes both with the Public and the Catholic Bord when members have stood strong to advocate for their safety in their workplaces. The Health and Safety Reps are knowledgeable and supportive, and I encourage you to reach out to them if you feel there is safety concerns in your work sites. WE are hoping to have more in person and virtual check ins to address any concerns and to address the importance of reporting and work refusal process once again. Please keep an eye out for those dates and times.
Both the DCDSB and the DDSB gave FEAP programs. If you or someone in your family needs supports, there should be information shared at each school location. If that information is not there, then please reach out to the CUPE office and we will send the information to your school to put on your CUPE board.
Public Board- please visit Telus Health using your DDSB sign-in credentials, or you can call 24/7 for confidential support at the following phone numbers: 1-844-671-3327 (English) or 1-855-360-5485 (French).
Catholic Board –
I would like to end by once again thanking each and every one of you.
Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Carrie Boisvert- Vice President
Disability Management
Dear Sisters and Brothers,
It has been another stressful start to another school year. Staff shortages, workload increase, and violence are at its all-time high and are being felt by all. It is imperative you are putting both your physical and mental health a priority. Not ensuring we are talking care of ourselves physically and mentally impacts both our home and work life. Remember that each of us face our own unique circumstances and struggles. We need to always support one another and encourage others to do the same.
As in all my reports, please continue to report any workplace injury to your supervisor, as well as notifying one of our disability team members at the CUPE office. The sooner we are aware of an injury, the better equipped we will be in answering any questions or concerns you may have and to go over any forms that need to be completed to help support your claim. We cannot stress enough the importance of filling out all the paperwork that is required and to also forward everything over to the CUPE office to assist you during this difficult process. When the CUPE office receives a Notification of Occurrence regarding an injury in the workplace, you will receive a letter with a summary of the forms and the procedure that occurs. We understand that it may be a difficult time, but for us to support and ensure you have a safe return to work, we need to have all the documentations you have submitted to the Board office. It is all confidential and only members of the Disability Team have access to it. Any paperwork that is completed due to a workplace injury is covered by WSIB and you do not need to pay.
When you are off sick, you are required to submit a medical certificate after 5 days absent.
Any medical for the DCDSB is the be submitted to and
The DCDSB pays for any medical, up to $45.00. All receipts should be emailed to and It does take about a month to be reimbursed for medical. If you have not received it, please reach out to and
Any medical for the DDSB is to be submitted to and
If you have any questions around the process, please feel free to reach out to me by email or contact the CUPE office.
WSIB and Covid
If you believe you may have been exposed to COVID-19 while at work, but you are not ill and/or are not currently presenting symptoms of COVID-19, you should complete a Worker’s Exposure Incident Form and fax it to the WSIB at: 1-888-313-7373 AND report this to your Principal.
If you are presenting symptoms of, and/or have been diagnosed with COVID-19, which you believe to be contracted at work, you should complete the above form, notify the Board in the usual manner and seek medical advice immediately. Be sure to document for your records the date of your doctor or hospital visit. COVID-19 exists in the broader community, which creates challenges in establishing the link between your workplace and contracting the virus. For a COVID-19 claim to be allowed, evidence must show that a worker’s risk of contracting the virus through their employment is greater than the risk to which the public at large is exposed, and that your work and/or workplace significantly contributed to the illness. You must also fill out a WSIB form 6, inform your Principal of this and send the completed form to DCDSB at or at DDSB.
The Exposure form can be accessed through the WSIB website or the CUPE 218 website.
You can also contact the CUPE office if you cannot access online.
If you have any questions or need assistance, please feel free to call the CUPE Office, we would be more than happy to assist you. The Disability Team can be reached through the CUPE Office: 905-571-7879 or Toll free 1-888-571-0218 Fax 905-571-4102
I wish everyone a safe and relaxing Holiday. I hope you all are able to take the time needed with family and friends and enjoy your well-deserved Break.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all!!
Carrie Boisvert-
Disability Management Coordinator
John Allan- Disability Rep-
Stephanie Dezsi- Disability Rep-
Catholic Board SCT
Merry Christmas and happy holidays to everyone in the SCT group… I suppose to everyone else as well. I hope you and yours have a wonderful break and you can all find time to relax. I wish everyone a Happy New Year as well. Let us hope that 2024 brings us all everything we wish for.
It seems we will finally have some remedy to the government’s passing of Bill 124 – which limited us to 1%/year for 2019-2021. The OSBCU has come to an agreement with the government that will see us gain an addition 3.0 – 4.75% retroactive increase.
Retroactive compensation increases will be: 0.75% for 2019-20, 0.75% for 2020-21, and an amount between 1.5% and 3.25% for 2021-22, as determined by an arbitrator. In addition to retroactive payments, wage rates in the 2022-2026 collective agreements be increased and all wage increases will be pensionable. Premiums and allowances will also be adjusted. These increases are in addition to the 1%/year that we already received in the 2019-2022 collective agreements.
The arbitrator will be meeting in Mid January to determine the rate for the 2021-22 year. The terms of the agreement will require payout within 120 days of the arbitrator’s decision. We will NOT be agreeing to any different wording to this agreement locally.
This is great news as this means that our wages go up retroactively which means that anyone who worked from 2019-present should get a nice retro payment that will depend on how much of that time you were an employee of the board and how much you make hourly.
We are still working on getting the new Collective Agreement finalized. It will hopefully be done very soon and then it can be shared with everyone.
We have now just passed the year marker of the board re-introducing attendance management. If the employer calls you into any attendance management meeting, or any other disciplinary meeting please contact the union to join you. Make sure to tell the employer that you are requesting a union representative to be present. If you are asked for a doctor’s note that you must pay for, please make sure you submit your receipt to Christie Morissette at the DCDSB as per the collective agreement the board reimburses for medical notes up to $45.
If injured on the job, please make sure you report it right away to your Principal and/or Supervisor. Make sure all paperwork is completed and copies are made for your own files. Please also let the Union Office ( know that an incident has occurred and any updates following. We are here to assist you when required, however we can only do that when we are informed.
For any Health and Safety questions or concerns please contact the SCT Health and Safety Rep Alyssia King at
Make sure to be taking your breaks and lunches every single day. You deserve them and you have the right to them, it also never hurts to take them away from your desk for a little peace and quiet.
If you go outside of your workplace to do work tasks – i.e., going to the bank – please stop going on your own time; you should only be going during your work hours. This means you shouldn’t go on your UNPAID lunch, or before or after work. This is still work and shouldn’t be done on your own time.
Every adult is responsible for the safety of every child but what we are not responsible for is supervision of students for prolonged periods of time. If you feel your school administrator is taking advantage of your presence in the office by having students sit there while the supervising staff is nowhere to be seen, first speak to the administrator and let them know it is not your responsibility to supervise students. If the situation continues, please contact the union office.
Mike Morris | Sandra Ribeiro-DantasBargaining | Jennifer Del GattoBargaining |
Public Board OCT
Brothers and Sisters, what a world wind of a start up! Stay strong. Know that without the dedication, commitment, professionalism and pride in what we do; getting through would have been a much more difficult road. Despite the technological issues, the lack of direction (at times) and the varying degrees of responsibilities and tasks, we have remained resolved to help and do our jobs to the best of our ability. Some of us have gone over and above what is required. We must remember that each time we take on a duty or task outside of our job description, we are creating an opportunity for duties to be added without going through the process required allowing for an increase in duties. Every time a member makes it a habit of not taking a lunch or works from home (unpaid) because there is too much to do; a precedent is being set and a behavior is being accepted as normal. A possible outcome of your specific endeavor is that your supervisor could take this normal behavior to their next location and it now is an expectation. First and foremost, please look out for your own well-being. Depriving yourself of a regular lunch break or family time will not reduce the existing amount of work. Your physical and mental health is important. We must all ensure that we maintain a work -life balance. Secondly your efforts to get the job done by working outside of your normal working hours (without the proper compensation) may result in doing someone else harm if these expectations are carried forward. We must all strive to do our best with the time we are allotted. Any other time taken to complete work should be compensated for. We must be our brother’s and sister’s keeper.
Repeal of Bill 124
This is amazing news! We will receive a portion of what should have been received years ago. It is definitely a triumph for Education Workers in Ontario. Finalization of the amounts to be received are still in the works, but be assured that renumeration is coming your way. We thank the OSBCU for all the hard work they have done thus far.
Your 2022 – 2206 Collective agreement is almost finalized. It was an arduous undertaking. Your Committee, your executive and CUPE National are making efforts to ensure it’s accuracy and we apologize for the delay in making it available. Once confirmation of the final review is completed, it will be available on both the CUPE website and the Board site.
The holiday season is almost upon us and you know what that means: Snow! According to the government of Canada’s winter safety guide, you should:
- Be prepared when leaving your home by checking the weather and ensuring you have essentials for our venture outdoors
- Staying safe indoors means that you have adequate emergency supplies like candles and flashlights as well as an alternate safe heating source in the event your furnace fails. It is also equally important to have smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors checked and or replaced
- Have an emergency kit with food, water and blankets ensuring that it is easy to find
- Have an emergency kit in your vehicle
On Behalf of your OCT bargaining team, please stay warm and stay safe!
Antony Nembhard – OCT Chair – Antony.nembhard@cupe218
Antony Nembhard – Ed Centre Rep
Leanne Finlay – Elementary Rep –
Allison Petty – Secondary Rep –
Catholic Board LINC ESL
Christmas is here and I’m sure we are all looking forward to the holidays.
However, we are still waiting for training and to be set up in the SFE system regarding sick days. We were told at our October labour management meeting that this could be on our November 17 PD Day, or on the last day of classes before the Christmas Break on December 22. It didn’t happen on November 17, so hopefully December 22. Apparently, many departments and people are involved in this process and so it’s as fast as the slowest link.
We have one member on a leave of absence for a few months due to health issues. They were diagnosed with a serious health issue and put on sick leave. They retain their seniority and position upon returning to work.
Regarding the issue of receiving the budget with a detailed breakdown of expenses specifically for the LINC/ESL department, the board has unequivocally said no and that the general information given is to suffice. This was surprising as the DDSB, public board, disclosed this detailed account to CUPE. This issue has not been resolved and will continue to be pursued.
All other issues have been dealt with, thankfully.
We don’t have any grievances at the time of presenting this report.
Our next labour management meeting is the afternoon of December 15, 2023.
We would like to wish Sue Wilkinson all the best as she embarks on the next step in the journey of Life, retirement. It was a pleasure getting to know Sue, and CUPE will not be the same without her.
We would also like to congratulate and welcome the new secretary/treasurer, Maureen Cope.
We wish everyone a wonderful Christmas with peace and joy.

Public Board Continuing Education
Welcome to the December edition of the CUPE newsletter. As 2023 draws to a close, I want to wish everyone a very happy and well deserved holiday break. I truly hope that you are able to take some time over the break to relax and spend quality time with family and friends.
We are three months into the school year and I know that we all have unique challenges that we continue to face, please know that the work you do is invaluable to students, children, staff and the community. When we all unite and work together, then we grow our union strength.
Our new collective agreement is in the final stages and I hope that by the time you are reading this, you will be able to view the Collective Agreement on both the DDSB and CUPE 218 website. Please remember that your union reps are here to help you understand the Collective Agreement and how it supports you. I can not stress enough the importance of putting it into practice and exercising the rights the union has negotiated.
With the cold and flu season in full swing, just a friendly reminder about your sick leave entitlement.
C6.00 Sick leave b) Sick Leave Days Payable at 100% Wages Permanent Employees Subject to paragraphs d), e) and f) below, Employees will be allocated eleven (11) sick days payable at one hundred percent (100%) of wages on the first day of each fiscal year, or the first day of employment.
c) Short Term Disability Coverage – Days Payable at 90% Wages Permanent Employees Subject to paragraphs d), e) and f) below, permanent Employees will be allocated one hundred and twenty (120) short-term disability days at the start of each fiscal year or the first day of employment. Permanent Employees eligible to access short term disability coverage shall receive payment equivalent to ninety percent (90%) of regular wages.
I also wanted to take this time to inform members that all Leave of Absence (LOA) requests need to be submitted through the Forms Online system accessible through Employee Self Service (ESS).
LOA User Instructions – Supply Educational Services Staff.docx
Article L19.00 – Leave of Absence
L19.01 A bargaining unit member is entitled to Family Medical Leave (s. 49.3), Critically Ill
Child-Care Leave (s. 49.4), and Personal Emergency Leave (s. 50) without pay,
subject to the eligibility requirements and terms for each leave as specified in the
Employment Standards Act and Article C12.00, where applicable.
L19.02 The Board may grant a leave of absence without pay and without loss of seniority
to an employee who requests such leave for good and sufficient cause. Except in
extenuating circumstances, applications for leave of absence shall be submitted to
the Board at least two (2) weeks prior to the commencement of such leave and an
answer to an application will normally be given in writing within seven (7) calendar
We had our first meeting of this school year on Oct. 30th where we discussed many Con Ed based items.Our next labour management meeting is on Jan 12th 2024. We look forward to getting some positive responses from management regarding our items raised.
A call for nominations for Secretary Treasurer took place during our September General Membership meeting. I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Maureen Cope as the 2024/2025 Secretary Treasurer. Sue Wilkinson announced her retirement in early November and on behalf of Con Ed, I would like to thank Sue for everything that she has done to support our unit. Sue has gone over and above to support members and answer endless questions. We wish you all the best Sue, you have definitely earned some rest and relaxation with your family.
I would like to thank the membership for allowing me to attend the CUPE National Convention, held at the Quebec Convention Centre in Quebec City from Oct. 22 to Oct. 27, 2023. This was my first time attending this convention and I learned a great deal of information to help me in my role as your unit chairperson. I especially appreciated the time listening to members speak so passionately about constitutional resolutions and having the opportunity to cast my own vote. In addition to learning, there were opportunities to explore Quebec City, socialize and network with members from across Canada.
Supply LINC/ESL/CNC Shortages- we continue to have supply shortages within our programs. Administration has communicated that they are working on the list. Please remember that if you have more than one contract, it is your responsibility to book yourself as unavailable. This will alleviate you from receiving those early morning supply calls. Please send me an email to let me know if you were away and there was no coverage sent for your position. This information is helpful when communicating the importance of having adequate supply within our programs. Administration has communicated that we should be entering our absences as two separate entries. Administration has communicated that three CNC supply staff have been hired. I look forward to welcoming them to our programs as well as to our unit.
The next General Membership meeting is scheduled for Sunday January 28th, 2024 at 7:00pm.
You are encouraged to attend meetings as the more our members get involved, the more our voices will be heard. This is a great opportunity to have your questions answered by the experts.
I hope that this holiday season brings you so much happiness and peace that continues throughout 2024.
Kristine Brown- Bargaining Chair & Health & Safety Representative, Public Board
Bargaining Committee
Darlene Tennant –
Arisa Tieney-
Public Board Con Ed Health & Safety
This is my first report as the Health & Safety representative for the Con Ed unit. My goal within this new role is to facilitate the knowledge required to support members in identifying good occupational health and safety practices. In November, I attended Health & Safety training that provided me with important details that will enable me to confidently and competently inspect and report workplace hazards.
I would also like to thank the membership for allowing me to attend the 2023 Injured Workplace Injury and Health & Safety Convention in Windsor in November. I attended sessions that focused on matters relating to WSIB and safe return to work procedures as well as the importance of promoting and protecting psychologically safe workplaces.
Please remember that if you are injured in any way at work, you need to report it to your supervisor ASAP. Do not feel intimidated or afraid to report, you don’t know how you will feel the next day. No injury should be disregarded.
Here is a list of forms that need to be completed in the event of a workplace injury. Your supervisor should be providing you with time during your working hours to complete these forms. You should not be required to complete them after your day is finished.
- Exposure forms– if you are exposed to bodily fluids, there is a WSIB exposure form to be completed. Complete this even if you are wearing PPE.
- Parklane reports-if you are injured and require ANY first aid, such as ice, band-aid, disinfectant or need to see a medical practitioner, then you need to inform your principal and have a Parklane report completed.
- Safe Schools form –is located with the VIR in the Employee self serve portal.
- Violent Incident report-located in the Employee self serve portal.
With cold and flu season on the rise, please make sure that you have access to masks if you wish to use them. If you are feeling unwell, please stay home. Your health is most important, and you need to worry about you!
We are so close to winter break, please take the time to rest and relax! Burning out is a real thing and each and everyone of you deserves this break. Enjoy your time spent with friends and family but don’t forget to take time for yourself!
Kristine Brown
Continuing Education Health and Safety Representative
Catholic Board Facility Services
Dear Brother’s and Sister’s,
I hope this newsletter finds you well. I can’t believe that we are already in the month of December. When this newsletter reaches you, it will be probably just before the Christmas break. I hope that everyone is able to get some time to relax and spend time with family and friends during the break. It has been a very busy 4 months of school with everything that is going on out there in the system with the amount of shortages all through the school board.
Grievance update:
- We have 3 grievances that are going to arbitration and these grievances are Daycare coverage, OT permits on weekends and Security Checks. The only one we have a date for so far is the Daycare coverage grievance which will be sat in February.
- We have 2 grievances in Abeyance for the duty to accommodate and vacant positions
- We have a personal grievance for the All Purpose position that we just sat at a step 3 grievance and we are waiting for a response on that one
- We have 2 grievance for Chief wages that we just received responses
- We are filling 2 more grievances for a member not being offered all the overtime at their own location and the other one is for the board not offering overtime on the Thursday to location that were short multiple days prior to that.
Remembrance Day:
We finally got our email about Remembrance Day and where it was going to be used during this school year. The board did not want to give this day to us this year but after email and phone calls from your committee and the President the board admitted that we are entitled for that day. The battle after that is that they wanted us to use it on March break and again fought and were successful in getting it during our Christmas break.
Security Checks:
This is new this year in our new collective agreement. This will be a volunteer list for the security checks just like the overtime list and Chief roster. There will be 9 to 10 group of school’s to check during the day between Christmas and New Year’s so that means that they will only need 10 custodians to do the security checks and each custodian will be checking 5 to 7 school’s depending on the area and it is a minimum of 3 hour of overtime which before we would only get $19.00 per security check so when you get this the email should be out and the roster filled for the Security Checks.
Collective Agreements:
I just wanted to give you an update on where we are with the new collective agreements. Our committees have reviewed the new collective agreement and we had to do a lot of corrections as it was a mess from having 3 different National reps during the bargaining process. We are waiting to go over them again once the corrections are made and printed. Then we send it to the board and they will go through it and let us know if it is good to post on our site. I thought, I would update everyone as a few of you have been asking about it.
Bill 124:
I am sure you have been hearing and seeing some rumblings about Bill 124. This Bill was passed back in 2019 where anyone would only be able to receive a 1% increase in their contracts. We, the union fought this in court and we were successful in wining this case. The OSBCU and the CTA sat together about 3 weeks ago to come up with a remedy to compensate the workers so this is what they came up with so far in the year 2019/2020 we will be getting a 0.75%, 2020/2021 we will be getting another 0.75% and for the 2021/2022 they are sending this to arbitration to decide what the third year percentage will be. Once the arbitrator make their decision then the board has 120 days to pay us our retro.
Health and Safety:
As the temperatures are starting to drop, snow is starting to fall and the ground is freezing please be aware of slipping hazards around your building. If you are shoveling or salting the school sidewalks be careful of your posture to prevent injuries and always stretch before these activities to avoid any injuries as we always want to be safe at work. Always report any accidents to your principal at your school so they can fill out a parklane report and if the incident happens during the evening shift please call the on call supervisor to report the incident.
Our committee would like to wish you and your family a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR!! May you get a lot of fun family times and a lot of rest during the Christmas break.
Sean Hebert – Chairperson
Dave Slater – Bargaining Rep
Beth Davies – Bargaining Rep
Greg Gillis – Steward
Public Board Custodial Maintenance
It’s hard to believe that the Christmas holidays are less than a month away. Lots has been going on since the start of school in September. Great news for Education workers, as the Remedy for Bill 124 was released on Nov 16 by the OSBCU. While we are still waiting for all the details to be released, here is what we do know regarding the wage increases,
- 2019-2020 – .75%
- 2020-2021 – .75%
- 2021-2022 – 1.5% – 3.25%
2021 – 2022 increase has not been determined as of yet, as the arbitrator is still reviewing that year. A decision should be made earlier in the New Year. These figures are on top of what we already received through bargaining. Retroactive pay is looking to be paid out sometime next spring.
We have had many Lead Custodian positions come up since school started this year. With this, many members have contacted the union based on the whole process and how it works, as many questions have come up. The employer conducts interviews for Lead vacancies which are based on ability, qualifications, merit and experience. This can be found in the Collective Agreement in Article L31.02. Interviews can be intimidation, but here is some tips for you to remember during your interview. All candidates will be asked a series of ten questions and these questions are scored on a point basis. Brief answers will receive a low score, while a detailed answer will score higher marks. Be very detailed in your answers, create a picture for the interviewers, and make them understand the job you do. Many details that you can provide regarding the job can be found in the job posting itself, print it off and review it as it contains information that will help you describe what a Lead Custodians responsibilities would be. You are allowed to have reference notes during your interview. Do not read your notes word for word, but refer to them to ensure you get your points across. Take the time to visit the school, meet the admin and introduce yourself. References are always a great idea to present at your interview. Some people you can ask are, current Leads, Admin (Principal & Vice Principals) supervisors, this also gives the interviewers a better understanding of who you are. If need be, you can request a mock interview with the person from recruitment that contacted you, or you can talk with your supervisor. Both individuals would be more than happy to help you better prepare for your interview.
For casuals that are applying for permanent custodial positions, the previous paragraph will also help you and for when you apply for a permanent position. Make sure your resumes are up to date. You should be including the time you have already worked for the DDSB and what duties and training you had since you started. The key thing to remember when interviewing for any position is to PROVIDE DETAILS ON ALL YOUR ANSWERS.
As many of you already know, the board is revamping several areas of the custodial maintenance unit that include, permanent custodial vacancies, Acting Lead positions and Lead positions just to name a few. The union was asked for our input on the changes the employer wants to do and we have provided our thoughts and concerns. Some of the new changes have been rolled out and some are yet to be. Many of these items we have serious concerns on and we continue to talk with the employer. Another item that is being looked at is the Transfer List. We are meeting with the employer to simplify the process when applying for a transfer. It will eventually go paperless and will all be done online. This is still a while away yet and even when it is rolled out, a paper copy will still be kept for accuracy until all the bugs are worked out on the new system. We are just looking for a fair and equitable resolution for all members.
Just an FYI, recently the employer has sent out emails to members that have been late for shifts and do not call them or their Leads to let them know. This has happened in a few cases were members were called out to open schools and it has left daycare waiting at the door to be let in. If you are running late and won’t be able to make it in for the start of your shift, as a courtesy, give your supervisor a heads up that you’re running late. Hopefully by doing this, it will prevent any discipline to any member.
Please remember that if you have the unfortunate experience of a work-related injury, please report it to your Supervisor and to Carrie Boisvert, our Disability Coordinator at the Union Office. Also, if you submit medical to the Employer, PLEASE make sure Carrie Boisvert receives a copy as well. No injury is too small to report.
This is our last newsletter for 2023, and your bargaining committee just want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
In Solidarity,
John Allan Chairperson Bret Filion Ian Watt
Robin Fair Mike Nixon Jessica Fusco
Kevin Lamont Tyler Cameron Scott Freeburn
Catholic Board EA
This is my last newsletter representing you all as the Chairperson. As I write this it is EA Appreciation Day so I celebrate you all. I really do hope your admin spoil you and they should be appreciating you every day and not on just one day of the year. It is a cold, wintery day, and in a few weeks, we will be off on Christmas holidays. We as your committee wish you a safe, and relaxing Christmas holiday with your families. Whew! We made it and it sure has been an exhausting Fall.
I want to thank you all for letting me attend the 60th National Convention that took place in Quebec where we re-elected our president Mark Hancock and our Secretary Treasurer Candice Renick. We also attended a rally in front of the Quebec Legislature in support of the Quebec City dock workers who have been on strike for months. We also got together with our OSBCU and Ontario delegates to elect Fred Hahn as our CUPE Ontario president as well as a lot of other positions. We also passed some key resolutions that matter to all CUPE members across Canada. Meeting with our School Sector was another highlight as we discussed important issues and resolutions that we could all come together on.
- I also want to congratulate Sue Wilkinson on her retirement. Enjoy! You’ve earned it.
- Safety Plans are still an issue as most involve Kindergarten students without prior knowledge of their challenges. I attended and supported an EA this week who was about to do a work refusal as there wasn’t even a safety plan created. So Safety plans and NORIs are not being created in a timely manner.
- We had a work refusal that lasted almost two weeks as the EAs at this school stuck together because the safety plan was not clear enough, and the EAs were being asked to support a student who is a runner and leaves the school grounds running out into the road. They refused to work with this student until the safety plan supported their rights to be safe. The Ministry Of Labour was called and the inspectors came in and forced the school admin to make changes. I celebrate and congratulate these EAs for their bravery and their steadfastness under a lot of pressure from admin and board personnel to cave. They stood up for themselves because they were right! They weren’t safe! So I want you to remember this, if you feel your job is unsafe know that we will back you 100% until your job becomes safe!
- We have a meeting scheduled with an HR Consultant for harassment. This member is being bullied by another member in another unit. Filing a harassment is the only way bullying and harassment will stop. We all need to support each other as a team and if we are not working with another EA’s student, we need to just do our own jobs and not get involved with someone else’s position other than to over support. If you are being harassed and you have proof of this we will support you through the process and stand by you!
- Lice is also has become a huge issue but I have had to tell EAs that they cannot do a work refusal because pestilence is not a communicable disease and therefore students can be at school if the parents send them. I do tell them if they do get Lice they are entitled to a ½ off to deal with it. I have just heard that at least 2 out of 5 of the EAs were off as they did get lice. I made a call to Jackie and Dileep is working with the principals to come up with a solution. Principals need to do their part in informing parents when there is lice in their child’s classroom. I am providing a homemade recipe that is a sure way to get rid of lice and won’t cost you a lot as it does when buying expensive Lice kits that do not work.
Lice Remedy
- ½ cup of cooking oil of any type
- ½ cup of vinegar
- Mix the two ingredients together
- Saturate your hair and tightly put a plastic bag over it (the oil will smother the lice, and the vinegar will loosen the knits off of the shaft of the hair.
- Wash repeatedly as it takes a bit to get the oil out
- Use a knit comb and remove the knits
Hope this helps!
Vacation Percentage Increase
- It seems that the board has not always been adding the percentage increases at your anniversary date if you were hired after September, and they are only giving you your vacation increases the following September. This practise took place many years ago and back in 2013 the Board stopped this practise when we brought it to their attention at Labour Management. Please track your paycheques if you are due for a vacation increase on the anniversary date of when you were hired. See the breakdown below. We have filed an Step I Grievance regarding this.
Completed Years of Service Vacation Pay Entitlement
Completed Years of Service | Vacation Pay Entitlement |
3 years completed | 6% vacation pay |
8 years completed | 8% vacation pay |
17 years completed | 10% vacation pay |
25 years completed | 12% vacation pay |
EA Apprenticeship Program
- At the end of September, I presented the new initiative that the OSBCU managed to obtain in Central agreement.
- The exciting news is that the board alongside CUPE, has applied to the Ministry of Ed for the apprenticeship program as EAS were also included. Student Services put out a survey to see if there was any interest. 35 people responded and what surprised me the most is that other unit members also expressed an interest. This is an important step as we have a lot of EAs that were hired in 1989 and 1990, and I let Paula know that she is going to have a retention problem as there will be shortages so she must start building capacity now. She is clearly motivated so we are hoping to attain the financial support that we are going to need going forward. We will keep you posted.
Labour Management – The next LM meeting was scheduled for December 8th. It is now January 12th.
Our LM meeting was on October 20th – there were a number of issues we discussed:
- Discussions about SFE – EAs can change the hours in the SFE so that supplies do their full 7 hours
- New supplies/hires – the Board is hiring. However, they also asked if we know of anyone who would be a good candidate as it’s been difficult so if you know any one please give Jackie McVeigh a call.
- EAs walkie talkies – some schools are still not using them even if they are in the safety plan. An EA at this school has called me as she has been physically attacked repeatedly. After speaking to Anita, our Health and Safety rep. we have found out that there are a number of schools not doing incident reports. I had this discussion with the members as we have no record of this and she said that she feels guilty as she truly cares about her student. I did tell her if she get really injured and has to be off there is no record of this, therefore WSIB may or will deny the claim. I know we care about our students but we first have to take care of ourselves!
- EAs – Returning Chromebooks – as per board policy all staff must return their devices if they are off on leaves
- Lice policy and concerns -The Board said that they would speak to the Health & Safety person Dileep so he could ensure that the principal would send notes to parents of those classrooms affected to notify them of lice in the classroom.
AD HOC – Our last meeting was on Wednesday, November 22nd.and Lisa Beaulne attended as she is back from her sick leave. We had a few items to discuss:
- We discussed using the secondary PA in April as a transition day for students with special needs who are in grade 8 to connect with secondary EAs so that the Secondary EAs can get to know these students ahead of time instead of meeting them for the first time in September. However, Paula Sorhaitz has said that they no long have the autonomy to do PA days and that they are pre-prescribed by the Ministry. We discussed modelling this after the Students with AT Transition Trip (SWATT), and perhaps doing it during exam weeks when the other Special Needs Students are at home. The PST at All Saints came up with this idea so I met with her and we had a discussion so stay tuned.
- We have a meeting scheduled with the Board on December 20th, 9am in the HRAS Meeting Room for Step l and Step ll, and lll grievances
- We have filed a new Step l Grievance
New Collective Agreement
- Your committee met in October to fine tune the agreed to CA and there were a lot of errors after we received it so we had to work to do that we don’t mistakenly do a final signature to articles we didn’t agree to.. We are sorry but we are still awaiting the final draft so that the Board and the bargaining committee can sign the final.
Bill 124
- By now you have heard the good news that the Ford lost his appeal and thet the judge ordered that Bill 124 be thrown out so we have some retroactivity coming to us.
- The final breakdown is: For the 2019 school year it should calculate a .75% increase based on the amount in your Collective agreements.
- For the 2020 school year you would take the new figure from 2019 and add 1.75% on that amount to calculate your new rate of pay for the 2020 school year.
- For 2021 we are still waiting on an arbitrator to rule on the percentage that would be awarded
A message from Superintendent of Student Services Paula Sorhaitz:
To our valued DCDSB Educational Assistants,
I’d like to take this opportunity to acknowledge Maureen Cope, who has been a very effective and responsive CUPE representative of our EA group. Maureen has worked tirelessly to support and advocate for the needs of EAs in DCDSB for several years, while also working diligently to support the needs of students with assistive technology. Maureen will be moving on to a new position as Secretary Treasurer for CUPE Local 218 in the new year. Best of luck Maureen in your future adventures – I have no doubt you will be an asset wherever you go!
Wishing our EA staff all the best that the Christmas season has to offer. May God’s love be felt by you, your family and friends as we celebrate the birth of Jesus. You are essential to the well-being and success of our most vulnerable students; a responsibility that you manage with grace, love, dedication and professionalism. I hope you take the opportunity to rejuvenate and regroup this holiday season, so that you can continue to bring the best version of you into the new year. Sending prayers for much joy and peace, and best wishes for a happy and prosperous 2024.
Paula Sorhaitz
Superintendent of Education
I want to also give my heartfelt congratulations to Patricia Bosley who will be your new chairperson and to Anita Condron our new Health & Safety Rep. I also want to congratulate Kristina McLaren who was elected to our Bylaws committee.
Well done!
I will remain on the bargaining committee to help transition and support your Patricia.
As always if you need us, we are here for you, and can be reached at:
Maureen Cope –
Bargaining Chair, Catholic Board
Bargaining Committee
Kristina McClaren –
Patrica Bosley –
Anita Condron –
Catholic Board EA Health & Safety
Hello All DCDSB Educational Assistants! I am thrilled to have been appointed as the new Health and Safety Representative for EA’s. I bring a genuine passion for safety to my role which is fueled by the challenges and violence we face daily in our jobs. I have been working as an Educational Assistant with our board since 2016 and have seen and experienced first-hand the effects of violence which have only been increasing over the years. Experiencing violence can have significant physical and mental health effects, including stress and anxiety and the repercussions extend far beyond the immediate incident. I along with our EA committee want you to know that you are not alone and we will work to help support you in any way we can.
Safety Plans and Notification of Risk of Injury (NORI)
If you are working with a student that has a safety plan you must read it prior to working with them and the plan must be current. DO NOT work with the student if you have not read it. Educational Assistants should be involved in the development process of the safety plan and have input on any changes throughout the year. Please reach out to your principal if this is not happening.
Some points to consider regarding the safety plan:
- Make sure that your back-up’s name is written in the plan and you and everyone are aware who will assist should you need to summon immediate assistance. This person may change throughout the course of the day because of lunches, breaks and absences, and that will need to be indicated in the plan.
- If you ride a bus with a student who has a safety plan make sure that there is a separate safety plan for the bus as well.
- Each school has been provided with a cell phone that is available to you should you need to call for assistance if you are required to ride the bus for pick up/drop off and excursions. Please take this as your walkie talkies will not work out of range.
- If PPE is required in the safety plan, please ensure you have access to it and it fits.
The Notification of Risk of Injury form (NORI) is available to all employee groups who work at your location. It provides information to workers related to a risk of workplace violence from a person with a history of violent behavior. This form must be provided to you if you can be expected to encounter the person in the course of your work and the risk of workplace violence is likely to expose you to a physical injury. As with the safety plan, please make sure you are given time to read the NORI prior to working with the student. We have seen some NORI’s which only state “see safety plan”. This isn’t good enough! It should detail the student’s identifying information, how to summon immediate assistance, a brief description of the behaviours that present a risk, strategies for avoiding the risk, and emergency and intervention strategies. Both of these documents are available online as well as on paper.
Incident Reports and Parklanes
Please ensure that you are completing incident reports for all incidents of student aggression both physical and verbal or the threat of either. No injury, physical or mental should be disregarded. You do not know how you will feel the next day or week. Your injury may lead to a WSIB claim and that report will be an important piece in not having your claim denied. Protect yourself! It’s your report and your principal cannot tell you not to complete it. Please kindly help any supplies who are injured in your building with reporting as they are not always aware of the procedure.
Important points to consider:
- When filling out your incident report, please ensure you are marking YES for suspension for all acts of aggression. We are getting push back from some principals on this, however if the behaviour fits the criteria for a suspension choose this option. It is up to the principal to then make the choice.
- Complete your reports on paid time. After the incident you should be debriefing and your principal should be allowing you time to complete the report.
- If you require ice, a bandaid, cleaning an area due to a scratch or a bite, sitting down after a kick or punch or just need a moment for your mental health, please check First Aid on your report. If you sought medical attention, please mark that off as well and reach out to Carrie Boisvert our Disability Management Coordinator if you need help with forms, etc.
If you have broken skin from a bite, scratch, have been spit on, have been poked in the eye or mouth please fill out a WSIB Exposure Form. These could all lead to infection.
Parklanes must be completed when there is an injury. They need to be completed within 24 hours of the incident. If the incident was caused by aggression please ensure that is checked on the report and not struck/contact. Again this is your report – you decide! Please make sure you are given a copy of the report and it is signed and dated by both you and your principal/vice principal.
The Right to Refuse Unsafe Work
The Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) gives a worker the right to refuse work that he or she believes is unsafe to himself/ herself or another worker. A worker who believes that he or she is endangered by workplace violence may also refuse work.
There is a specific procedure that must be followed for any work refusal. If you feel that the work you are doing is not safe, please immediately reach out to your principal. If there is no resolution to the unsafe work, please reach out to myself or a member of the EA Committee so that we can help.
We are increasingly working short staffed and being asked to bundle our students. Sometimes we are bundling multiple runners and if an incident occurs we cannot follow the safety plans as they are laid out. This is unsafe! Please question this, talk to your principal and contact us if this is happening.
I want to emphasize the importance of prioritizing your physical and mental well-being. Just as you arrive at work safely, it is vital to ensure that you can go home in the same condition. If you have any concerns or suggestions regarding health and safety please feel free to reach out.
Thank you for all the hard work you do every day with our most vulnerable students.
Take care and stay safe,
Anita Condron
DCDSB EA Health and Safety Rep
Public Board EA
December already! As this is the last newsletter before the holidays, we would like to wish you all a restful, relaxing, and well deserved break.
The committee sent out a survey to all unit members, thank you to those of you that took the time to complete it and provide your input to concerns that we may not be aware of.
A few updates and reminders:
Postings: The employer had notified the union that they had met the FTE compliment and only a few postings would be coming out in October/beginning of November. As we know in the past this has never been the case and many positions are available for movement. We have added this to our agenda to discuss at labour management and hope to have an update for each of you.
PD Day: We had our first PD Day on the 17’h, the board is trying to get everyone trained or recertified in BMS. I understand that spots have filled up quickly for the remaining training sessions but we were informed they will be opening more spots. Also, the frustration around courses opening at 8 AM was heard and we have asked the employer to consider changing the time so that it isn’t when some of the EA’s are getting on buses or starting the work day. This PD Day it wasn’t clear if virtual could be done from home, some were allowed and some were not, we have asked the employer to send out clear expectations to all so that it is clear. However, if you are allowed to do virtual from home the expectation is that you are on and active during the sessions. If you sign in and sign out after attendance, the employer can see that.
Supply shortages: If you are having an issue with getting supplies at your school and have unfilled positions, please send myself or your area rep/steward an email so that we can keep track and notify the employer.
Supervisor: Your supervisor is your principal and when your principal is away it is your VP. Your sert/department head and classroom teacher are not your supervisor and any concerns or problems should be taken to your admin to investigate or answer. If your principal is directing you to take your concerns to your sert/ department head, please reach out to us as this should not be happening.
HANDS OFF POLICY: PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE keep your hands off the students, unless at immediate risk and required to utilize bms. Keep your space when able, to avoid being injured. You don’t want to be reported and investigated by CAS.
After many years of being a rep with this Unit and Local, Sister Sue Wilkinson has announced her retirement, we wish her all the best and thank her for the time she has put in. Enjoy retirement!
Again, the committee would like to wish each and every one of you a relaxing and restful break and hope that you are able to take the time you need for yourselves.
If you need anything, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Kind regards, Your Committee
Public Board EA Health & Safety
Just wanted to remind members of a few things – first – have you taken the time to fill out the OSBCU violence survey? If not please do so, here is the link to do that
Next, please know your rights – YOU have the right to know, to participate and to REFUSE unsafe work.
- RIGHT TO KNOW – Workers have the right to know about workplace health and safety hazards. According to the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA), employers must provide a wide range of information about workplace hazards to workers and Joint Health and Safety Committees (JHSCs). JHSCs have a duty to communicate with workers.
*seeing the student’s Safety plan is information you need to see before working with the student
- RIGHT TO PARTICIPATE – Workers have the right to make recommendations about health and safety. Employers must recognize this right to participate. They must consult with JHSCs about methods of testing equipment, substances, or other workplace factors.
- RIGHT TO REFUSE – Workers have the right to refuse work if they believe it endangers their health and safety. The OHSA sets out specific procedures. It’s a two stage process. You can refuse based on your subjective belief that the work is dangerous.
*There can be NO reprisals if you were to REFUSE unsafe work
REMINDER – if your student(s) safety plan states PPE is required YOU must wear it – if you have sizing issues, don’t have the required pieces or it is damaged – then please reach out to your admin to have proper PPE ordered – also – we DO NOT share our PPE either!
Thank you to those who are filling out VIRs – we are keeping track – if you have completed reports and have not heard from a committee person then please reach out as we are unlikely aware you filed one. Admins should be submitting them within a week of you sending one in – they may need a reminder that you submitted one. Also you may request a debrief anytime there has been a violent incident – ask to meet to discuss.
Don’t forget to complete SAFE SCHOOLS form AND have your admin do a PARKLANE for any injury that you have sustained that had to be cleaned/washed, iced or bandaged.
To go along with Parklanes – please do an EXPOSURE form for any bodily fluids that you’ve been subjected to, these are biohazards (spitting, bites to bare skin, coughing/sneezing, urine/feces, vomit) this form is sent directly to WSIB – please email a copy to union as well.
Going forward when completing VIRs – which I know can be very time consuming – we are asking if possible to chunk the incidents in the description box… example – “student escalated 8:45- 11:05- hitting, kicking, punching, grabbing, scratching EA several times”. – give a block of time instead of doing separate VIRs for each aggressive incident in a time period.
You are to be given time in your day to complete these reports as well as ABC data collection – it’s part of the job and we do NOT work for free!
Currently with less than four months of school, we have received 1088 Violent Incidents and 116 parklane reports – that says many of our members are not having parklanes completed by their admin when they have washed/cleaned, iced or bandaged their injuries.
In saying that please make sure you’re taking your breaks and lunches – we do not leave early if we skip our breaks/lunches – make the time for them it is your right and in our CA.
Now that the colder weather is here – I want to remind you to have proper footwear on and to watch out for icy surfaces – so we can prevent slips, trips and falls.
As always – please reach out to your area steward if you have any questions or concerns – we are here for you!
As the year comes to an end I want to thank each and everyone of you for the incredible job you do in supporting some of our highest needs students – over the break take time for yourself!
I would also like to wish Sue Wilkinson all the best as she retires at the end of 2023 – thank you for all your hard work and dedication to all EAs as well as the EA committee – enjoy a well deserved retirement Sue from all of us EA’s at 218!
Merry Christmas – Happy Holidays and A very Happy New Year!
E.A. Public Board – Health and Safety Rep.
EWBT Change of Circumstance information

The top 8 things that should be on your ‘end of the year financial to-do’ list

If you hold any kind of investments, have children or grandchildren, or turned 71 this year, this is one list you might want to bookmark. While it may not be filled with elaborate gifts or delectable treats, taking care of the items on this list will provide you with the financial peace of mind to make you merry not only during the upcoming holiday season—but also in the years to come.
Here are your top 8 financial ‘to-dos’ before the end of the year:
#1: Consider making TFSA withdrawals by December 31st.
If you were thinking about withdrawing from your Tax-Free Savings Account in the next few months to pay for home renovations, car repairs, or other big-ticket items—you might want to consider taking that money out by December 31st. Otherwise, if you withdraw funds from your TFSA after January 1st, you wouldn’t be able to re-contribute that money until the following calendar year.
#2: Get those RESP contributions in by December 31st to maximize the CESG.
While you can contribute to a Registered Education Savings Plan anytime (within 31 years of opening it), maximizing your contributions before the end of each calendar year has one very specific benefit—getting the most from the Canada Education Savings Grant (CESG). That’s where the government chips in up to 20% over and above your annual contributions.
Read the full article:
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Should you opt out of Direct Compensation Property Damage coverage?

Soon, Ontario drivers will have a new option to restrict coverage in the event of a collision—the option not to claim damages.
In December 2022, the Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (FSRA) announced that Ontario Policy Change Form (OPCF) 49 will give drivers the choice to opt out of Direct Compensation Property Damage (DCPD) coverage.
Under OPCF 49, you can agree not to be compensated by your insurance company or anyone else, including anyone at fault for causing the damage or their insurance company. But what does that mean?
Read more at #OTIPUpdate