Election – November 18th
The Election will be held online and will take place on November 18th, 2023 between 10AM and 6PM. The candidates are:
Home / Elections
The Election will be held online and will take place on November 18th, 2023 between 10AM and 6PM. The candidates are:
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Online Elections Saturday, November 19, 2022 – Nominees Details will be sent to your cupe email in the coming weeks regarding Virtual Elections. CUPE Local 218 President Nominees: Brandy Townson Dennis
Dear Sisters and Brothers, I would like to thank all the Members that participated and took the time on their Saturday to submit their vote. A special thank you goes
Dear Brothers and Sisters The election is scheduled for 9 am tomorrow, January 29. An email blast will be sent at 9 AM. Please note that the emails can
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