Day of Mourning 2021 Cindy Ellis of CUPE 218
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COVID-19 Tracking and Reporting Update 1 resolved case at Sir Albert Love Catholic School, Oshawa; and 2 resolved cases at St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic School, Oshawa. Effective April 26, 2021,
Donald A Wilson; attended during POC; classroom will isolate Nottingham PS; did not attend during POC Nottingham PS – 2 cases (household contacts); did not attend during POC Carruthers Creek;
COVID-19 Tracking and Reporting Update 2 resolved cases at St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic School, Whitby. Ajax Archbishop Anthony Meagher Catholic Continuing Education Centre – Ajax Campus 458 Fairall Street,
Valley Farm PS; did not attend during POC Valley Farm PS; attended during POC; classroom isolating Valley Farm PS –did not attend during POC Stephen Saywell PS – attended during
COVID-19 Tracking and Reporting Update: 1 confirmed case at St. James Catholic School, Ajax; 1 confirmed case at St. Mary Catholic Secondary School, Pickering; 1 resolved case at St. Isaac
DCDSB COVID-19 Tracking and Reporting Update 1 resolved case at St. Hedwig Catholic School, Oshawa; 2 resolved cases at St. Kateri Tekakwitha Catholic School, Oshawa. Effective April 20, 2021, 296
Durham Continuing Ed – did not attend during POC Pickering HS – attended during POC; class cohort will isolate School house Playcare at Elsie McGill PS – attended during POC
COVID-19 Tracking and Reporting Update: 1 confirmed case at Mgr. John Pereyma Catholic Secondary School, Oshawa; 1 confirmed case at St. Kateri Tekakwitha Catholic School, Oshawa; 1 confirmed case at
DCDSB COVID-19 Tracking and Reporting Update 2 confirmed cases at Monsignor Paul Dwyer Catholic High School. 1 confirmed case at Msgr. John Pereyma Catholic Secondary School, Oshawa; and 1 confirmed
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