Good morning, here are the new cases that came in over the weekend: J. Clarke Richardson Collegiate – confirmed case; attended during POC, 1 class cohort dismissed. Fallingbrook PS –
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Good morning, here are the new cases that came in over the weekend: J. Clarke Richardson Collegiate – confirmed case; attended during POC, 1 class cohort dismissed. Fallingbrook PS –
Lakeside PS – confirmed case; still under investigation. Eagle Ridge PS – confirmed case; 14 days past last day of exposure; classroom informed to continue self-monitoring Lincoln Alexander PS –
Note de service Destinataires : Présidences des conseils scolaires de district Directions de l’éducation Secrétaires-trésorières et secrétaires-trésoriers des administrations scolaires Gestionnaires de services municipaux regroupés et gestionnaires de conseils d’administration
Memorandum to: Chairs of District School Boards Directors of Education Secretary-Treasurers of School Authorities Consolidated Municipal Service Managers and District Social Services Administration Boards Child Care Licensees First Nations with
Hello, new cases from today. Some of these were late in the evening and PH is still working through details: Anderson CVI – confirmed case; 2 classroom cohorts dismissed and
Robert Munsch PS. – Confirmed case – Grade 4 class has been dismissed. Testing has been arranged. Fairport Beach PS – 2 confirmed cases (household contacts); one case attended during
New cases: Eastdale CVI – positive confirmed case who attended both Eastdale CVI and Coronation PS. FDK classroom at Coronation dismissed along with one high risk staff. Testing is scheduled
Good evening, new DDSB cases from today: Walter E. Harris – additional probable in the same classroom previously dismissed; bus cohort involved and dismissed while test results are pending.
New Cases: Sir William Stephenson PS – did not attend during period of communicability. Not linked to other case at this school. Elsie MacGill PS – attended during period of
DDSB New Cases (Friday and Saturday): Bolton C Falby PS – confirmed case, special education classroom dismissed. Testing will be scheduled for Monday. West Lynde PS – confirmed case, class has been
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