President and Vice President’s Message
We are fast approaching a well-deserved break in our school year. The entire membership has felt and seen the impact of the lack of supports and funding in the education sector. We are often going short staffed with our employers expecting the same results as if they had a full complement of staffing each day. I hope that each of you are taking time for yourself and your family. Our physical and mental health is imperative for our success both, personally and professionally.
Please take the time you need to support your physical and mental health. We should be making self-care our priority.
Both the DCDSB and the DDSB gave FEAP programs. If you or someone in your family needs supports, there should be information shared at each school location. If that information is not there, then please reach out to the CUPE office and we will send the information to your school to put on your CUPE board.
Public Board- please visit Telus Health using your DDSB sign-in credentials, or you can call 24/7 for confidential support at the following phone numbers: 1-844-671-3327 (English) or 1-855-360-5485 (French).
Catholic Board –
I would like to welcome the new committee’s that start in January of 2024. We have a busy year ahead and it will take each of us working collectively to support our Local and its growth as a Union.
As mentioned in the September newsletter, our Strategic plan was put together over the summer and we have had many members working on the various parts of the plan.
Our violence Campaign should be ready to roll out in the New Year as well as visits to each school location to discuss with the members any concerns as well as our Strategic Plan as we move into our next round of bargaining. Our executive team is excited to go out and have those conversations with the members. Any movement at the bargaining table is going to take member engagement.
I would like to end by once again thanking each and every one of you. Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Carrie Boisvert
905-429-0841 (cell)
Disability Management
It has been another stressful start to another school year. Staff shortages, workload increase, and violence are at its all-time high and are being felt by all. It is imperative you are putting both your physical and mental health a priority. Not ensuring we are talking care of ourselves physically and mentally impacts both our home and work life. Remember that each of us face our own unique circumstances and struggles. We need to always support one another and encourage others to do the same.
As always, I hope everyone is staying healthy and safe in this trying time and continues to focus on their mental health as self-care is extremely important and even more important during this difficult time that we have all been faced with.
Please continue to ensure that if you have a workplace injury, you contact the CUPE office so we can answer any questions or concerns you may have. We cannot stress enough the importance of filling out all the paperwork that is required and to also forward everything over to the CUPE office to assist you during this difficult process. When the CUPE office receives a notification of Occurrence regarding an injury in the workplace, you will receive a letter with a summary of the forms and the procedure that occurs. We understand that it may be a difficult time, but in order for us to support and ensure you have a safe return back to work, all documentation you send to the Board offices should be sent to the CUPE office as well. It is all confidential and only members of the Disability Team have access to it. I can’t express enough the importance of reporting incidents that happen in the workplace whether there is an injury or not. If you receive a call after your injury from the Board stating that they can accommodate you after your injury, do not turn down the offer, but instead tell them to reach out to the Union to schedule a meeting. Once you turn down an offer, WSIB is notified and it becomes more challenging to be approved for your claim.
The DCDSB pays for any medical that is out of pocket. All receipts should be emailed to marcelle, or Please include the CUPE office in all correspondence.
The DDSB medicals should be sent off to as well as the CUPE office.
We are receiving many calls around workplace exposures. This pertains to any bodily fluid, chemicals etc. If you believe you may have been exposed while at work, but you are not ill you should complete a Worker’s Exposure Incident Form and fax it to the WSIB at: 1-888-313-7373 AND report this to your Principal.
Be sure to document for your records the date of your doctor or hospital visit.. You must also fill out a WSIB form 6, inform your Principal of this and send the completed form to Marcelle Spadafora DCDSB at or at DDSB.
The Exposure form can be accessed through the WSIB website or the CUPE 218 website.
You can also contact the CUPE office if you cannot access online.
Both boards are currently sending out LTD packages by email. If you are from the DDSB, once the CUPE office is notified that you have received the LTD package, I will send you off a LTD letter that has some common information as well as give you a call. If you are from the DCDSB, the information that Rose Pearson sends off has a lot of information so I do not send you a letter, but I will call you to ensure that you have received the package. If you have any questions around the package or need anything printed off or sent off, please do not hesitate to contact the CUPE office for assistance.
If you have any questions or need assistance please feel free to call the CUPE Office, we would be more than happy to assist you. The Committee members can be reached through the CUPE Office: 905-571-7879
Fax 905-571-4102
Please keep checking your CUPE email for any updates and for our upcoming social events.
This will be my last report as the Disability Coordinator. Stephanie Dezsi will be taking on the role as of January 2025.
I want to thank everyone for all of your support in this role and looking forward to the positive changes happening at the CUPE office.
Have a restful and Happy Holiday season.
Stay safe!
Carrie Boisvert-
Disability Management Coordinator
John Allan-
Stephanie Dezsi-
Public Board OCT
Happy Holidays Brothers and Sisters! You have made it! Through the confusion, through the chaos, through the overcrowding, through the understaffing and through the hard work. It’s time for a well-deserved break. Time to Relax, Refresh and Rejuvenate for a strong start in 2025. Take the time to enjoy your families and reconnect with loved ones. It is these relationships that allow us to bear the burden of the day to day and do the great work that we do.
There were several concerns with payroll this past year for some members. We are asking all of our CUPE brothers and sisters to be diligent in checking your paystub. Do not take anything for granted. If your pay or deductions seem out of sorts or abnormal, double check it and report it immediately. None of us can afford to be in a position where we are losing money and, in some cases, unable to get it back.
There continues to be many questions surrounding supervision. According to our CA:
L25.13 Supervision
In no case shall general student supervision be assigned to a classification or position in this bargaining unit where supervision is not a core duty of that classification.
This does not diminish any employee’s obligation to assist in extenuating circumstances or in emergency situations under the Education Act or any other applicable legislation.
If you are having issues with your Principal in regards to the supervision of students, please contact your Union Rep or Chair. We can help you with the conversations that are required in these circumstances.
If you have not yet had a chance to peruse your collective agreement, this is a great time to do it. Know your rights as well as gain insight into what the collective affords you. There is great information on special leaves, pay grids, sick days, sick leaves and so much more. As well, understanding your collective agreement will give you insight into things you may like to see changed or augmented. Your bargaining team will soon reach out to find out the pressing issues in your every day at work. The intent is to bring forward issues that matter to you and to try to shape the collective agreement so that it suits the needs of our members. We look forward to your insights and input.
Did you know?
Jingle Bells was originally a Thanksgiving Song –
“Jingle Bells” was written by James Lord Piermont in 1857 for his church’s Thanksgiving concert. However, over the years, it became more closely associated with Christmas and is now one of the most popular holiday songs!
In Japan it’s traditional for people to enjoy Kentucky Fried Christmas
What started as a marketing campaign by KFC in the 1970s has evolved into a widely adopted tradition of eating a bucket of KFC chicken to celebrate Christmas. Many people even place their KFC orders well in advance to secure their Christmas chicken dinner.
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer almost had a different name
The creator, Robert L. May, was considering Rollo and Reginald before he finally settled on Rudolph.
Christmas stocking should contain money –
This custom is believed to have originated in the early 19th century in Europe. One popular legend involves St. Nicholas, who, according to folklore, put gold coins in the stockings of three poor sisters. Over time, this evolved into the cherished holiday tradition of hanging stockings by the fireplace and filling them with small Christmas gifts.
The first Rockefeller Center Christmas tree was actually small.
Construction workers placed the first small, undecorated tree at Rockefeller Center in 1931. These days, the famous tree features more than 50,000 multicolored LED lights—That’s nearly five miles of lights!
The Grinch’ is the highest-grossing Christmas film of all time.
The 2018 computer-animated film brought in $512,858,819 worldwide. The runner-up? Home Alone, the Christmas classic from 1990.
Have an Amazing Break!
Antony Nembhard – OCT Chair –
Ramona McDonald – Ed Centre Rep –
Leanne Finlay – Elementary Rep –
Allison Petty – Secondary Rep –
Catholic Board LINC/ESL

There was a PD Day for instructors on November 15th. Instructors earned 2.5 PD hours with more time for Avenue “training” being arranged.

CUPE218’s annual Children’s Christmas Celebration is on Saturday, December 7th. Santa is coming by with CUPE “elves” on the ground making sure everything goes smoothly. This is a very enjoyable moment for all involved. Thank you to CUPE218 and to everyone who makes this possible.
There is no GMM scheduled in December.
The Labour Management meeting set for Dec. 18 is cancelled as there are no pressing issues needed to be addressed at this time.
There are no grievances at this time.

Preparing for New Round of Bargaining in 2026
Part of CUPE218’s strategic planning is for the Chairs to visit members at their place of work and connect regarding the workplace and any concerns/issues they may have. These face-to-face conversations will give everyone the opportunity to give voice to anything they would like to see addressed in the next round of bargaining.
Each Chair has two chair days each month. On one of those days, the Chair will visit your site during the lunch break. We can set a date which best suits all of you at your site. Think about when you would like to meet up in the New Year before the end of this current school session.

(Needs to be updated – Bylaw meeting coming up in February, 2025)
(Also uploaded to the DCDSB and CUPE218 websites)

Make a Note on Your Calendar
- The next GMM meeting = Sunday, January 26, 2025
- A Bylaw meeting = Sunday, February 2, 2025 (Zoom link will be sent in the New Year)
- Next Labour Management meetings = March 20 and June 11, 2025. Check in with your reps beforehand if you have any issues that HR needs to know about.
*Remember to check your CUPE218 Local website and your CUPE218 email regularly for updates, news, or new important information. You can always contact CUPE218’s President, VP, or Secretary-Treasurer if you need to.
- Carrie Boisvert (President)
- Stephanie Deszi (V.P.)
- Maureen Cope (Secretary/Treasurer)
Have a wonderful Christmas holiday

Tracy Gill (Chair)
Katherine Sanchez (Steward)
Public Board CONED
Welcome to the last edition of the CUPE newsletter for 2024. As the winter months approach, the shorter days, colder weather, and holiday stress can challenge our mental health. Please remember to pay attention to your mental health and take proactive steps to foster resilience and maintain wellbeing. Your passion is relentless and your hard work and dedication is seen every day in guiding our students and children.
As the year comes to a close, I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a happy and well deserved holiday break. I truly hope that you are able to take some time over the break to relax and spend quality time with family and friends.
Once again I would like to congratulate Carrie Boisvert and Stephanie Dezsi who as of January 1st will officially assume their new roles as President and Vice President of our local. Their leadership, knowledge and dedication will be a great asset to the local and I am confident that both will excel in their new roles.
I would also like to take this opportunity to welcome back Niala Moran who has been off on maternity leave. I am sure that this transition back to work has not been an easy process for her but I know that her students are happy about her return.
Please join me in congratulating Suad Sadik on her retirement. Suad has been a valued member of our CNC team for many years and we have been fortunate to work alongside her. Her dedication to our program as well as her passion for caring for our newcomer children is truly a testament of her values and beliefs. On behalf of Con Ed, we wish you the very best, and we hope you enjoy every moment of this next chapter in your life.
Collective Agreement
I feel like a broken record when I continue to ask for your patience and understanding as we are still waiting for our finalized Collective Agreement from the board. On October 31st, I met with representatives from People and Culture for final revisions to the wage grid. I believed that this was the final piece to be completed. I followed up on November 12th and 25th for an update and at the time of writing this report, I have not received a response. I will continue to follow up and hopefully the CA will be posted very soon. Please remember that your union reps are here to help you understand the Collective Agreement and how it supports you. I cannot stress enough the importance of putting it into practice and exercising the rights the union has negotiated.
Sick Time
The peak of cold and flu season has just begun, just a friendly reminder about your sick leave entitlement.
- Permanent employees working seven (7) or more hours a day will be allocated eleven (11) sick days payable at one hundred percent (100%) of wages on the first day of each fiscal year, or the first day of Employment.
- Permanent employees working six (6) hours a day will be allocated 9.46 sick days payable at one hundred percent of wages on the first day of each fiscal year, or the first day of employment.
- Permanent employees working three (3) hours a day will be allocated 4.73 sick days payable at one hundred percent of wages on the first day of each fiscal year, or the first day of employment.
Short Term Disability Coverage – Employees will be allocated one hundred and twenty (120) short-term disability days at the start of each fiscal year or the first day of employment. Permanent Employees eligible to access short term disability coverage shall receive payment equivalent to ninety percent (90%) of regular wages.
Holiday/Winter Travel
Are you one of the lucky ones who is contemplating traveling this holiday season? Ensure you understand your CUPE EWBT out-of-province/country medical coverage to stay protected. Refer to the link provided below to review the updated policies associated with your CUPE EWBT travel benefit.
Labour Management
We have our 2nd meeting on December 9th. We will be providing the employer with a LINC/ESL job description draft that hopefully will assist with this process.
Our next labor management meeting is scheduled for February 12th, 2025
Bargaining Committee
There is still an opportunity for you to join our Bargaining Committee. Please reach out to Carrie Boisvert, CUPE Local 218 Vice President if you are interested.
Employment Insurance
I am confident that the DDSB payroll will process the ROE’s for permanent Con Ed members in a timely manner this year. Please remember that the Union has nothing to do with the EI process. If you have problems with your claim, you will need to reach out to either DDSB payroll or Service Canada.
Issues arising at your workplace
If you are having any problems at work, the first step you need to take is to speak with your Admin. They are your direct supervisor and they are there to help and to work with you in getting the support you need. If you can’t seem to get a chance to go see them, send them an email with your issue/concern and ask for a time that you can meet to speak with them.
Social Media
I can’t stress enough how important it is to only communicate with students using your board emails. Please refrain from sending or accepting messages through your personal email, cell phones and social media.
General Membership Meeting
Sunday, January 26, 2025. This will be an in person as well as a hybrid meeting. Watch your CUPE email for further information on how to access the meeting, and we hope to see you there.
As always, we are committed to continuing to build, develop and foster relationships with each and every one of you.
You can email us at or for any questions or concerns.
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year Con Ed. May the holiday season be filled with great joy, happiness, and wonderful memories.
Public Board CONED Health & Safety
The winter season and its extreme weather is on its way, here are some tips and helpful hints for some winter safety:
- Walk on designated walkways, especially those that have been treated for ice.
- Take shorter steps and walk slower than your normal pace.
- Wearing proper footwear with lots of traction or ice spikes.
- Getting rid of distractions when walking. Put your phone away and try not to carry heavy items.
During our October LMM we were asked to inform members about the DDSB’s expectations for staff in the event of inclement weather. The Cancellation of Student Transportation Procedure states that: All staff should make ongoing and reasonable efforts throughout the workday to safely attend work at their regularly scheduled location.
Although there is no clear language in the Ontario’s Occupational Health & Safety Act around this topic, it does require employers to take all precautions reasonable in circumstances for the protection of workers. I would hope that our administration would make exceptions and exercise some flexibility during extreme weather conditions to ensure members remain safe and injury-free throughout the winter months.
If you have an unfortunate accident (slip, trip or fall) while walking in or out of the buildings, please report the injury to the Principle ASAP so that a Parklane can be completed. Some injuries from falls and slips may not show symptoms right away. If you seek medical attention after the initial form is completed, PLEASE communicate this with your principal so that the form can be updated. If the report is not made, there is no record and you may not be able to establish a claim for short-term disability.
If you need to go off on short term, please forward any medical documentation to the short term absence as well as the union this way we have the proper documentation and information to represent you on your return to work procedures. No questions asked are too small, we are always available to provide assistance.
A helpful method to keep in mind, if an injury does occur. RICE
- REST- Stop any current activities and rest without moving or straightening the injured body part.
- IMMOBILIZE- Immobilize the injured area
- COOL- Cool the injured area for up to 20 minutes of every hour for up to 48 hours, to reduce swelling and pain. Do not rub the ice or cold pack on the injured area. If you use ice, put some sort of thin, dry cloth or pad between it and the skin to avoid freezing it.
- ELEVATE- Keep the injured area above the level of the heart, if possible.
By the time that you are reading this newsletter, the holiday season will be right around the corner. The season of sparkly lights, cheery decorations, and festive music. For many, this time of year is magical. But not everyone feels that same holiday cheer. Please remember if you or someone in your family needs support, DDSB offers a 24/7 confidential employee and family assistance plan. You can sign in by using your DDSB credentials.
Members at the Oshawa location have inquired about the drills being conducted after the students have left the building. We will be addressing this concern during our December LMM. I understand that the drills may trigger some uncomfortable feelings for our students, but I feel the importance of knowing what to expect and how to handle a situation is equally important to know and understand.
As we do not have a committee member at our Pickering location, I urge you to reach out with any concerns regarding Health & Safety. We can not provide assistance or support if we are not aware of the problem.
December also begins the peak of cold and flu season, and with that brings contagious viruses into our classrooms and childcare programs. We are already seeing a number of students and children attending that are visibly ill due to the fact that they do not want to miss assessments or be withdrawn from the program.
I want to take this opportunity to remind you that if you feel that you have been exposed to a workplace exposure that has resulted in an infectious illness, PLEASE fill out the WSIB Worker’s Exposure Incident Form. The purpose of this form is to obtain information about the exposure, should an illness occur in the future. You should not be required to use your already low sick day allotment for an illness that you were directly exposed to while at work. This form is sent directly to WSIB- please email a copy to the union as well.
If you need to go off on short term, please forward any medical documentation to the short term absence as well as the union, this way we have the proper paperwork and information to represent you on your return to work procedures. No questions asked are too small, we are always available to provide assistance.
I feel like a broken record, but just a friendly reminder to always be aware of your surroundings. There are times when students are exiting the building and the doors remain open, thus allowing members of the public to enter our building. Ideally it would be great if our classroom doors remained shut and locked at all times, but I understand that some like to keep the doors open for proper air circulation.
Take this holiday season to take care of yourself, you have earned it. With balance and moderation you can enjoy the holidays in a safe and healthy way.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Con Ed!! Let’s make 2025 a year to remember!!
Kristine Brown
Continuing Education Health & Safety Representative
Catholic Board Facilities
Dear Sisters and Brothers,
I just want to start of the newsletter by wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! I hope that everyone with take some time to relax and rest during the holiday season, it is hard to believe that we are already at the Christmas break. Please take the time to enjoy the break with family and friends.
I just want to congratulate the members returning to our committee for the next 2 years. They are Dave Slater and Greg Gillis. I would also like to congratulate Mike Clements on joining the committee. Our new committee term starts on January 1/25 and we will have a lot of things going on in the next 2 years as we will be preparing for another round of negotiations with the province and the board. So please welcome the members of the Custodial/Maintenance Committee.
I just wanted to give you update on the grievances that are still on file with the board. We have 4 grievances: 1 for acting chief during the summer time months. These were filed because the members were in the schools all summer with no support from a chief custodian either through sick time or retirement. We have 1 grievance for a Chief posting for Notre Dame. We have 1 grievance for pylons at a school. We have 1 grievance for not following the overtime list. We have put 16 grievances in abeyance for weekend permit coverage as we are waiting to sit the arbitration case for the weekend permit coverage. We have 2 other grievances going to arbitration for security checks and All-purpose position. We have sat these grievances with HR in the last 2 weeks so we are now waiting for responses from the board to see if we need to advance them to the next steps or we resolve the grievances.
As many of you are aware that our Facility manager has been off of work for over 6 weeks now so if you have any concerns or issues please reach out to your Supervisors or Scott Grieves.
After talking to some of you out there about custodial supplies not being delivered in a timely manner, please reach out with a work order to OMAC for some supplies as they supposedly have a stock of supplies down at the shop and can be delivered in a day if the stock is there. We have brought this issue up several time during our labour management meetings as a concern that schools aren’t getting their supplies to do their jobs properly.
As many of you know the winter season has arrived and we all know that with winter the weather is colder and the snow starts falling. We want to remind you to please be careful driving in to work and going home from work with snowy and icy conditions. We also want to remind you that when shoveling or salting the sidewalks and FDK yard to please stretch and lift with your knees and not your back to prevent injuries. Please make sure you are well stocked with salt and if you are getting low please send a work order in to have it delivered to the school.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the Custodial/Maintenance Committee!
Sean Hebert | Dave Slater | Greg Gillis | Beth Davies |
Public Board Custodial Maintenance
Well the holiday season is amongst us and with it comes the inclement weather. Please remember to follow all safety protocols when you’re out clearing snow. I just wanted to give you an update on a grievance that was filed for Truth & Reconciliation Day. We were successful in this grievance and the employer will be giving us this extra paid statutory holiday. The union agreed to move this day from September 30 to December 24th of this year. Starting next year, and each sequential year, the union and employer will meet early in the year to determine what day it will be applied to, moving forward.
If you are applying for a permanent position, Acting Lead or Lead Position, please update your resume prior to handing it in to the employer. I am being told by the employer that many members who do apply, are not updating their resume to reflect the training and job duties that they are doing since starting to work for the board. It is critical that you take the time to have it updated. Feel free to reach out to a person in DDSB Recruitment as I have also been told they can help you.
As we wind down 2024, I would just like to thank the following members who sat on your 2023-2024 Custodial Maintenance Committee and who decided not to run for the 2024-2025 committee,
Kevin Lamont
Bret Filion
Mike Nixon
Jessica Fusco
Scott Freeburn
With 2025 just around the corner I would like to introduce you to your new Custodial Maintenance Committee,
John Allan Chairperson/Bargaining
Robin Fair Bargaining
Tyler Hunter Bargaining
Ian Watt Steward
Kelly Watts Steward
Jamee McPherson Steward
At this time of the year, regardless of what you celebrate, the committee would just like to wish you and your families a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays and we will see everyone in the New Year.
Public Board EA
Wow! December already! As 2024 comes to an end, I want to wish each and every one of you a well-deserved holiday break and I truly hope you are able to take time to relax and spend quality time with family and friends.
We recognize how much each and every one of you do on a daily basis for students and thank you for all your hard work.
Burnout at this time of year is high so please remember to take time for you!
We have been receiving multiple notifications that schools are short staffed and positions are going unfilled on a daily basis, please continue to let us know. The employer has indicated that they will be looking to deploy supply and LTA staff and if needed in an emergency full time staff can be asked. If you are going to another school to support, please make sure that you are asking to see safety plans and be aware of any and all potential risks that you could be dealing with.
For any EA’s that are starting new positions in January, congratulations and good luck!
As we have had many questions around the collective agreement, we are looking to hold classification meetings in the New Year to discuss and answer any questions. We hope to see you there!
We have also had many questions around general supervision. We have clear language in the C/A that we DO NOT do general supervision on a bus, in the yard, or lunch room supervision and we must be assigned to students we support on a regular basis during these duties.
L24.08 Yard Duty/ Lunch Room Supervision
Educational Assistants shall not normally be required to do general yard duty supervision, or general lunch room supervision or general supervision on a bus. Educational Assistants may be required to participate in these duties only in relation to one or more special needs students whom they support on a regular basis.
Just a friendly reminder, with the cold and flu season in full swing and all the germs we are exposed too, here is the sick leave language from the C/A.
C6.00 Sick leave b) Sick Leave Days Payable at 100% Wages Permanent Employees Subject to paragraphs d), e) and f) below, Employees will be allocated eleven (11) sick days payable at one hundred percent (100%) of wages on the first day of each fiscal year, or the first day of employment.
c) Short Term Disability Coverage – Days Payable at 90% Wages Permanent Employees Subject to paragraphs d), e) and f) below, permanent Employees will be allocated one hundred and twenty (120) short-term disability days at the start of each fiscal year or the first day of employment. Permanent Employees eligible to access short term disability coverage shall receive payment equivalent to ninety percent (90%) of regular wages.
As elections have concluded, I would like to take the opportunity to congratulate the new committee for the next 2 year term, Brandy Townson, Jehan Bisnauth, Scott Hunter, Deborah Kennelly, Jennifer Currie, and Judy Hunting. I also want to thank Sister Lori Ann Richards for her dedication and hard work over the past several years, you will be missed!
As this is my last report as Chair, I would like to say thank you so much for allowing me to represent each of you. The EA unit forever has my heart and I am so thankful for everything we have accomplished and I can’t wait to see what is next!
In Solidarity,
Stephanie Dezsi
Catholic Board EA Health & Safety
As we wrap up 2024 and prepare to step into a new year, I want to take this opportunity to acknowledge the important work and dedication you bring to working with our most vulnerable students. Our role is both important and challenging, and while it sometimes feels thankless, please know that your efforts have a lasting impact. I also want to remind you of the importance of prioritizing your own physical and mental health, safety and well-being.
I want to thank you for continuing to complete incident reports for all instances of student verbal and physical aggression, or the threat of either. These reports create a paper trail, and your EA committee is actively reading, responding, tracking and following up with the board on these reports to address concerns. If your principal is not giving you time to complete them or is discouraging you from doing them, do not hesitate to reach out to us. These reports should be completed on paid time.
I also want to remind everyone that you must be given time to review student safety plans and any Notification of Risk of Injury forms before working with a student who requires one. If a safety plan in not in place or you have not been provided the opportunity to read it, you have the right to refuse unsafe work. The Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) gives a worker the right to refuse work that he or she believes is unsafe to himself/herself or another worker. There can be NO reprisals for exercising your right to refuse unsafe work. You should also have input into the creation of the safety plans, which should be updated as necessary to reflect the student’s current behaviours and should be reviewed after each incident. A risk assessment and plan of action should be developed for any excursions off school property and transportation safety plans need to be created for students you support on the bus/taxi if they currently have one for the school. If PPE is required as part of the safety plan, you must have your own properly fitted pieces. We DO NOT share PPE for both safety and hygiene.
Additionally, every single EA should have a working walkie-talkie for communication and summoning immediate assistance if needed. If you have not been provided with walkie talkies at your school or they do not work properly this needs to be addressed with your principal who is responsible for requesting them from the board.
Lastly, a memo recently went out to all educational assistants regarding being asked to direct traffic in parking lots or cross students at the entrance of parking areas. I want to reiterate that these tasks are not part of your role as an educational assistant. More importantly you are not trained to direct traffic, and taking on this responsibility may place both you and the students at risk of injury. Parking lots can be hazardous environments. We are all aware that drivers may be distracted, often in a rush, or even aggressive, making these situations particularly hazardous. These risks are further compounded during the winter months, as slippery road surfaces increase the chances of vehicles losing control or failing to stop in time. Directing traffic or crossing students is unsafe and goes beyond your responsibilities. You have the right to refuse unsafe work, and we strongly recommend that you do not take on this duty. Your safety and the safety of the students is a priority.
I hope you all have a wonderful and restful break. If you ever have any health and safety concerns, please know we are here to support you.
Stay safe,
Anita Condron
DCDSB EA Health and Safety Rep
Public Board EA Health & Safety
Welcome to the end of 2024 hard to believe we are already at this point of the year.
I would just like to thank you all for the work you do with our students that have the highest needs. I would like to remind you to please take the time in your day to fill out VIRs, safe schools reports as well as have admin complete Parklane forms. These forms need be completed every time there is a workplace injury or accident; if you have cleaned, washed, iced bandaged or taken an unscheduled break to collect yourself. Those are all considered first aid so that is a Parklane form.
Your admin cannot deny you having one filled out, if this is not done, please contact the office or email me to assist in making sure the Parklane gets completed.
I also want to remind you that you have the right to refuse unsafe work prior to making the decision to refuse unsafe work, have a conversation with your administration to notify them of your concern if that concern goes undealt with, and your safety and concern is dismissed and not resolved then you can refuse the unsafe work.
The ‘hazard or safety issue’ must be present when you refuse the unsafe work. You notify your admin right at that moment – do not leave the building – admin must notify the board – you can call the union office right then to give us the heads up (905-571-7879)- then you will have a union rep present for the investigation to begin and support you through the process.
When completing the VIRs I strongly suggest always checking off the box to “request a debrief” after an incident. Then SSPs can be reviewed and updated right away.
If you complete a VIR and have not heard from a union steward in a timely manner then we have not got notice of the incident. Check to see if it’s been submitted and remind admin to complete it.
There have been almost 900 violent incidents this year already but less than 100 that have had Parklanes completed with them. We need those numbers to be much more accurate. You can go back to September and have those forms done. Any questions reach out.
Have a well-deserved break and take time for yourself.
Happy Holidays.
Brandy Townson
EA PB Health and Safety Rep.
OMERS no longer do the Advanced Election Form as of about 2 weeks ago. I believe the Board filled out the paperwork i.e. banking info etc.
The Board waits until your last pay cheque before you retire then after that they send the updated information to OMERS in regards to credited service etc.
Once OMERS receives this information they send out a package by mail that takes about 20 business days. At the same time they send you an email to connect to your OMERS website to check your information is correct and to add banking information.
OMERS can do co-browse on line which means they can view the screen with you if you need help when you go to review and fill in information.
Once information is processed you get your pension the First of each month and any retro as soon as it’s ready.
So for example. My last pay is Dec 26. I retire Dec 31. So the Board can send in my information after Dec 26th. Then I won’t get Jan 1 but I should get Feb 1 along Jan 1 Retro by Feb 1.
If you are retiring before January, 2025. I am thinking the Holidays may affect this since I believe they are off until Jan 6 so pension might be delayed. I am not sure when the Board would do the paperwork.
Everyone has different pension amounts so if you aren’t sure what you monthly pension payment will be you must call them personally.
Here is the contact numbers for OMERS: Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Phone: +1 416.369.2444
Toll-free: +1 800.387.0813