February 17, 2021
Lenten Message from the Chair of the Board and Director of Education
February 17, 2021
Lenten Message from the Chair of the Board and Director of Education
Today we embark on the Liturgical season of Lent with the distribution of ashes and our own Lenten promises. Lent is a period of 40 days of repentance and preparation leading up to the celebration of Easter – our most holy time of year. As Catholics, we are called upon to pray, fast and give to others while finding time in our lives to change the things that separate us from Jesus.
For some of us, we will choose to give-up something, while others will choose to add daily prayer or helping others to bring us closer to Jesus. Whatever it is, we hope that you will find time this Lenten season to deepen your relationship with God and reflect on the ways in which you may have strayed from God’s plan and how we can return to joyfully living our lives as God intended even during these unprecedent times.
In the spirit of faith formation, renewal and growth, it is fitting that we acknowledge the Lenten season hand-in-hand with our Year of Love. This year our Faith Formation department has created an online Lenten calendar that you can follow at home and in your classrooms. We also invite students, families and staff to join us every Wednesday from 7:30 – 8:00 p.m. for Together in Prayer. This week’s Together in Prayer will be held tonight (February 17, 2021) to celebrate Ash Wednesday Mass with Father David and Father Joseph at St. Francis de Sales Parish.
There are many other significant days and weeks in the month of February that connect with our Year of Love. Black History Month is an opportunity for students, staff and those who join us from the Black Community to share their gifts of knowledge, culture and inspiration. We continue to embrace our diverse culture in DCDSB schools, promoting human dignity, anti-racism training for staff, inclusivity, respect and justice for all.
Next week we are pleased to participate in Stand Up to Bullying Week with Pink Shirt Day happening on February 24, 2021. We encourage every student and staff member to wear pink to show our commitment to promoting kindness in our schools, communities and online.
We wish you a blessed Lenten season filled with the opportunity to strengthen your personal connection with Christ and live freely and fully in Him.
Yours in Catholic Education,
Click here to join the DCDSB Virtual Ash Wednesday Mass 2021 | St. Francis de Sales Parish