DCDSB Preparation for Remote Learning

Good afternoon,

I hope you are all keeping well and understand that it can be difficult to cope with the ever-changing directions that have been forthcoming.  I thank you in advance for your continued dedication to students and the work you are doing to respond to their needs.

In follow up to the announcement this morning, that schools will be moving to remote learning from January 5, 2022 to at least January 17, 2022, please review the information below which provides a high level overview regarding the transition to online instruction.

Please note, as was the case during past periods of remote learning, students who have very high needs, who are not able to effectively access learning online will once again be accommodated with an in person learning model.

Preparation for Remote Learning

School staff are asked to work in cooperation with your administrators to assess technology needs for staff and students and to determining which students will need to be accommodated with in-person learning due to exceptionally high needs.

Please monitor your email and other platforms, as parents/guardians may be reaching out to you to request access to required technology.  Such requests should be referred to the Principal/Vice Principal.

Schedule for Transition

There will be no student instruction taking place on Tuesday, January 4, 2022. This time will be used to prepare to return to remote learning.

Durham Catholic Virtual Elementary School

Wednesday – Resume classes on regular schedule.


Technology Needs and Distribution

Tuesday/Wednesday – Assess technology needs

Tuesday – Thursday – Distribute technology

Elementary Resumption of Learning

Wednesday – all teachers/educators to connect with students/families via email/Edsby to review online learning; focus on faith and well-being; share schedules

Thursday – Resume synchronous classes – recognizing that some students may not have technology in place; focus on reconnection, well-being, review of online learning protocols

Friday – Full schedule of learning

Secondary Resumption of learning

Wednesday – Shortened online, synchronous period with each class; focus on reconnection, well-being, review of online learning protocols

Thursday – Resume regular schedule

Students with High Special Needs

Tuesday – Program Support to call/connect with parents/guardians to determine who will be in person (modified schedule and/or full schedule)

Wednesday – provide list to Student Services Co-ordinator by noon on Wednesday

Pending Transportation Arrangements – begin on Friday or Monday

I hope this helps to clarify some matters for now.  More details and information will be provided tomorrow and in the coming days.