Seeking Volunteers

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

To be perfectly blunt, with a local of over 3,000 members, we have had just over 1% volunteer to take on a bigger role in the strike effort; this is nowhere near enough volunteers if we hope to make an impact.

We are still desperately seeking volunteers to be Strike Captains and be effective leaders on the picket line, as well as members to be part of the Flying Squad to serve as a flexible, mobile picket line that can act on short notice to developing situations.
If you are sick of cuts requiring you to do more with less, and wage increases that don’t keep up with inflation, you need to do your part to make this strike a success. To volunteer to be a Strike Captain or a member of the Flying Squad, please send an email to and include the following information about yourself:
· Full name
· CUPE email address
· Phone number
· Job title and work location

In solidarity,
Local 218 Mobilization Committee