I am so excited to see the first edition of the OSBCU newsletter out and in the hands of our members!

Communication and transparency are key when engaging with our members – be it a local president, or a newly hired casual in a local. Having people know what is happening within OSBCU and how they can get involved
will only make us stronger as we move ahead.

I want to thank Liz James, OSBCU vice-president for Area 5 (Eastern Ontario), for taking on communications as part of her VP portfolio. Liz was excited to take the lead when, at OSBCU’s strategic directions session in August, a quarterly newsletter was suggested. And I am excited to see how Liz conveys the world of OSBCU each quarter, letting our members see all that is happening in our world.
In this edition, Liz has spotlighted the amazing work of the OSBCU Equity Committee. There has been some amazing work happening within this committee. In fact, in March 2022 (just in time for our second newsletter
edition) delegates to the OSBCU convention will be electing our first ever Equity Representative to sit our OSBCU Executive Board!

Also in this edition is a highlight of the recent research project that OSBCU and CUPE members supported. Researchers from the University of Ottawa have produced In Harm’s Way, which will serve as a launch point for work
that our newly appointed Health and Safety/Injured Workers Committee will be undertaking in the new year,

As you will see, there is so much going on in OSBCU and so much more to come. If you are interested in getting involved in any way, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at info@osbcu.ca – an engaged membership is a strong membership!

Take care and in solidarity,

Laura Walton
OSBCU President

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