Applications for Classification Forums

Good afternoon,

As mentioned at our convention and in our classifications, the OSBCU Executive is pleased to provide the applications for our new Classification Reference Groups.  The new structure is as follows:

  • For each classification group (Clerical, Custodial, EA, ECE, Instructor, IT, Library Workers, Paraprofessionals/Professionals, Trades/Maintenance and Transportation) there will be one (1) representative from each Area (1-7) plus a francophone representative.
  • Applicants must have endorsement from local president in order to be considered.
  • Once a member of the classification group, they will meet 4 times a year.  A report from each meeting will be distributed to local presidents for wider distribution to the OSBCU membership.
  • Meetings are planned for evenings and weekends, however, if any book off/union leave is required the OSBCU will be responsible for that book off.
  • All applicants must be from an affiliated OSBCU local
  • All committee members will be required to complete a confidentiality agreement

In solidarity
Laura Walton

Ontario School Board Council of Unions


OSBCU Classification Group Application [PDF]

Application Groupe de classification du CSCSO [PDF]