We need paid emergency leave now!

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Dear Rod,
We need paid emergency leave now!

Front-line workers are continuing to get mixed messages. Premier Ford tells workers to stay home if they’re sick – but penalizes them with lost pay for doing so.

We can’t continue to burden workers with deciding between wages and safety. Now, more than ever, we need to ensure universal and accessible paid emergency leave.

CUPE Ontario is proud to echo the Decent Work & Health Network’s call for legislated paid emergency leave which is available to all, including migrant workers; permanent beyond the current crisis; with no barriers to access; and is for at least 7 days, with an additional 14 during public health emergencies.

Take action now:

Read their detailed and important report released today, Before it’s too late: How to close the paid sick days gap during the COVID-19 and beyond.

Send a message to your elected representative and join the call for paid sick days.

Take part in the Day of Action for Paid Sick Days! on August 29.

Watch and share this video by CUPE Ontario’s President, Fred Hahn.

In solidarity,

CUPE Ontario

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