Join the rallies to restore our rights!


Dear Rod,

Front-line workers, who helped keep us safe and delivered critical services in a pandemic, deserve better than an attack on their legal rights. They deserve to have their rights restored today.

When COVID-19 first hit, front-line workers rose to action, putting themselves and their families at great personal risk, to keep the public safe and maintain our communities.

Now, their workplace rights are in jeopardy. Bill 195 allows for employers to ignore sections of collective agreements indefinitely, and gives extraordinary, undemocratic, and unprecedented power to the very government who once called these front-line workers heroines and heroes.

The Ontario Council of Hospital Unions (OCHU) and CUPE Ontario are mobilizing in communities across Ontario to restore workers’ rights.

Join a rally at an MPP’s office near you to show your support for front-line workers and take a stand against the government’s abuse of power. 

See the full rally schedule and let us know you’re coming — RSVP in the “Attend a rally in your community” section of

In solidarity,

CUPE Ontario

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