Save our public institutions


Doug Ford and Ross Romano are failing our public institutions by letting Laurentian University collapse.
Laurentian University is in a crisis that will have devastating effects on the economies of Ontario’s Northern communities and do irreversible damage to our ability to preserve important Indigenous and Franco-Ontarian cultures.
Friend, what’s happening to Laurentian isn’t an isolated incident. Ford and his government have made it clear that appeasing their wealthy corporate donors is a bigger priority to them than supporting the public institutions that Ontarians rely on. We have to take action now before it’s too late.
Watch and share our video on Facebook and sign on to help defend Ontario’s public institutions.
As an institution with a tricultural mandate, Laurentian serves a community that would be particularly vulnerable to the loss of this important avenue for preserving culture. On top of that, already struggling Northern Ontario communities rely on the university to create jobs and drive innovation in the region.
If Doug Ford and Ross Romano are content to let Laurentian go bust, what’s next? Our hospitals? Our fire departments? Ontario residents rely on our public institutions on a daily basis and Ford’s push to cut and privatize all that we hold dear is a threat to our province as we know it.
Ramona-Lisa, we have to put a stop to this before it’s too late. Watch and share our video and sign on to demand Doug Ford do the right thing and save Laurentian University.
In solidarity,

The Ontario Federation of Labour