1-min action to help avert a strike for 5 CUPE members

 1-min action to help avert a strike for 5 CUPE members

Please take one minute to send a message and help avert a strike.

It’s quick and easy using this email campaign webpage.

CUPE 5335 transportation agents and technicians have filed for No-Board after a frustrating round of negotiations with Consortium du transport scolaire de l’Est.

The workers are an important part of our public education system. They are responsible for planning school bus routes & ensuring children have safe passage back & forth from school for 14,000 students for two French school boards in Eastern Ontario – Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l’Est Ontarien (CSDCEO) & Conseil des écoles publiques de l’Est de l’Ontario (CEPEO) school boards.

CUPE 5335 members have been in bargaining since March 2022 for a first contract. Over the past 17 months, the workers have not only seen their wages erode due to inflation, but also witnessed the employer take punitive action like denying access to short term disability. To add insult to injury, the employer’s wage offer is just over 1% per year.

With the clock ticking towards a strike/lockout deadline on September 11, send a message [1] to Consortium du transport scolaire de l’Est management and board of directors, and urge them to negotiate a fair contract.

In Solidarity

Laura Walton