Table of Contents
Zoom Meeting
Nominations & Elections
Nominations & Elections
Secretary Treasurer – January 2022 – December 2023
Recording Secretary – January 2022 – December 2023
Sergeant At Arms – January 2022 – December 2023
To be eligible to attend the Membership meeting you must have filled out the membership application on the website.
President’s Message
September 2021
Dear Sisters and Brothers
In a blink of an eye summer is gone. I hope everyone had a safe and relaxing summer and found time to spend with family and friends. Thank you to all of the members who worked over the summer months to get our facilities up and running and ready for the return of student.
These past few months have been trying and with the lack of direction from the Government it has compounded more stress and confusion to all. At the time of the creation of this message we still are waiting on confirmation regarding the roll-out of the school year. We do know that all required individuals that frequent the DCDSB and DDSB facilities must be:
- a) proof of full vaccination against COVID-19; or
- b) written proof of a medical reason, provided by a physician or registered nurse in the extended class that sets out: (i) a documented medical reason for not being fully vaccinated against COVID-19, and (ii) the effective time period for the medical reason; or
- c) prior to declining vaccination for any reason other than a medical reason, proof of completing an educational session about the benefits of COVID-19 vaccination that, in the case of a board within the meaning of the Education Act, the Provincial Schools Authority or the Centre Jules-Léger Consortium, is specified by the Ministry of Education, or, in the case of any other Covered Organization, has been selected by the Covered Organization. The approved session must, at minimum, address:
- how COVID-19 vaccines work;
- vaccine safety related to the development of the COVID-19 vaccines;
iii. the benefits of vaccination against COVID-19;
- risks of not being vaccinated against COVID-19; and
- possible side effects of COVID-19 vaccination.
- d) submit to regular antigen point of care testing for COVID-19 and demonstrate a negative result, at intervals to be determined by the Covered Organization, which must be at minimum once every seven days.
- e) provide verification of the negative test result in a manner determined by the Covered Organization that enables the Covered Organization to confirm the result at its discretion.
September 6th was Labour Day -The origins of Labour Day can be tracked back to April 15th, 1872, when the Toronto Trades Assembly organized Canada’s first significant demonstration for worker’s rights. The aim of the demonstration was to release the 24 leaders of the Toronto Typographical Union who were imprisoned for striking to campaign for a nine-hour working day. Labour Day is about more than a well-deserved day off. It is a time to celebrate the important contributions working people make to our economy. It is also a good time to reflect on what is needed to improve the economic and social well-being for all workers. Economic recovery is being undermined by government actions over the last two years that erode workers wages, including: cuts to Employment Insurance and forcing workers to work at lower wages, continuous interference in the collective bargaining process on the side of employers, as well as attacks on unions and labour rights.
CUPE National and the OSBCU will continue to fight for workers rights.
September 8th is International Literacy Day (ILD) – Since 1967 celebrations have taken place annually around the world to remind the public of the importance of literacy as a matter of dignity and human rights, and to advance the literacy agenda towards a more literate and sustainable society.
September 15th is International Day of Democracy – It was established through a resolution passed by the UN General Assembly in 2007, encouraging governments to strengthen and consolidate democracy. International Day of Democracy is to provide an opportunity for people to participate in democracy and urges the government to respect the rights of people…….. I wonder if Mr. Ford is aware of this day?
National Day for Truth and Reconciliation / Bill C-5, We have issued a formal letter to both the DCDSB and the DDSB. According to the federal bill C-5 that received royal assent, September 30th has been proclaimed a public holiday by Federal Government. It was effective 2 months after Royal Assent, so it is effective September 2021. Our position is that September 30th is a Paid Holiday in accordance with the collective agreements. We are waiting for confirmation from both employers.
Brother Hebert and I met with Sister Laura Walton President of the OSBCU to discuss the upcoming round of bargaining Centrally and Locally. We discussed mobilizing, government/employer’s agendas and what might this round of bargaining proposals look like. We will be giving Notice to Bargain 90 days prior to the expiration of our latest collective agreement. My hopes are that we will have Concurrent Bargaining this time so that we aren’t in the same situation as last round of bargaining.
We will be creating an individual unit survey to be sent out to all members in the very near future with regards to Local bargaining proposals. This is your opportunity to tell your bargaining team what is top priority.
September 1st will be our final wage increase installment of (1%), If you feel 1% is insulting, degrading and you what to see a respectful increase well we have to show the government that this just isn’t sufficient. The OSBCU will be looking for strong support from ALL Locals to achieve this and other top items.
I am increasingly getting worried regarding the lack of respect that both employers are giving member of Local 218. The heavy-handed administration at the DDSB which is detrimental to members metal health and safety is appalling. The Custodial Maintenance Unit Public Board has over 100 grievances. This is not acceptable; I have communicated our concerns to management and Superintendents with no success. I am in the process of creating a formal letter to the Trustee which will advise them that we will not stand for this treatment. If this continues to fall on deaf ears CUPE Local 218 will be taking action. We have the full support from our National, OSBCU, Durham Region Labour Council and I will be reaching out to our Education friends to ask for a show of solidarity. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!
Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.
In Solidarity
Dennis Gibbs
President CUPE Local 218
Vice President’s Message
Nominations & Elections
Dear Sisters and Brothers,
Welcome Back!!
I just want to take this time to welcome everyone back to a new school year. It is hard to believe that the summer is over for another year and we are already a few weeks in to the school year. I hope everyone was able to get some time off and able to go and do something with the family.
As a Local we have been very busy down here at the Cupe office trying to get ready for this school year. We have been meeting with all the chair people from each unit to see what we can do as a local to support each unit of Local 218. We have met with Laura Walton from OSBCU to strategize for the upcoming school year as we head back to bargaining in early 2022. We have been working on some new swag for the local, which now is on our website and can be ordered shortly.
Once again this summer our health and safety teams have been working hard with both boards to come up with a safe arrival plan for staff and students. They have been working on new cleaning protocols for our schools and making sure all the protocols are in place for when you enter the buildings.
I would like to thank everyone for all their work over the summer for getting the schools ready for the school year. Like the saying goes the day starts with Cupe and the day ends with Cupe
If you have been injured at work or not at work and require you to be off work for anytime please reach out to the union office to find out what are your options. Even if you are not sure please give us a call to find out if there is anything that we can do for you and if you need to send us any medical information for your injuries and need time off to heel from those injuries then we can lead you in the right direction. Please reach out to us for any support.
Both the DCDSB and the DDSB have FEAP programs if you, or someone needs a little extra support. Most schools have information or posters with the number to call, or the contact information is on their websites. It is completely confidential.
Just a reminder to everyone that the General membership meeting will be held on Sunday, September 26/2021. Please make sure you plan to attend so you can be updated on what is going on with both boards.
Sean Hebert
Vice President and Disability Rep
Cupe 218
Disability Management
Dear Sisters and Brothers,
It is hard to believe that summer is over and we are back into another school year. Many of us thought that some of the requirements would have changed since the closing of last year to the re-opening of this year. Although there are some changes, our number one priority is and will always be the safety of our members. The union has been working tirelessly with the Board as each new announcement is made from the province around the guidelines.
Please continue to ensure that if you have a workplace injury, you contact the CUPE office so we can answer any questions or concerns you may have. We cannot stress enough the importance of filling out all the paperwork that is required and to also forward everything over to the CUPE office to assist you during this difficult process. When the CUPE office receives a Notification of Occurrence regarding an injury in the workplace, you will receive a letter with a summary of the forms and the procedure that occurs. We understand that it may be a difficult time, but in order for us to support and ensure you have a safe return back to work, all documentation you send to the Board offices should be sent to the CUPE office as well. It is all confidential and only members of the Disability Team have access to it.
The DCDSB pays for any medical that is out of pocket. All receipts should be emailed to or
If you have any questions around the process, please feel free to reach out to me by email or contact the CUPE office.
I have included the basic protocol for COVID for each of the Boards.
For the DDSB, if you self-assess and are directed to take a COVID test, you are to notify your Supervisor and
Once you are symptom free, you are to notify both the Board and Short term to inform them that you are symptom free and are able to work but cannot because you are still awaiting results of your COVID test. As long as your absence is because of COVID symptoms, you are not required to submit a doctor’s note if you are off for 5 or more days.
It is also important for you to keep your Supervisor and Short term aware of your circumstances, this eases the transition when returning back to work and also ensures the correct coding is used for your absence.
For the DCDSB -If the online tool directs you to complete a COVID test you must log into your SFE and complete the absence with the appropriate drop-down box. Please note that the DCDSB has only agreed to code your absence under the Quarantine Language if you are directed to stay at home due to a work place exposure or if you test positive. The union does not agree with their comprehension of the language and currently have Policy and individual grievances submitted. If you feel that you were not coded correctly, please contact the union office and we will discuss your options.
When you receive your COVID results you must submit them to You can also go on the board website and access Memo HRS20-21010 for additional information.
If possible, I would encourage someone from each location to print off the Durham Regional Health Department guidelines around COVID in the schools and put them in the staff rooms so everyone is aware.
WSIB and Covid
If you believe you may have been exposed to COVID-19 while at work, but you are not ill and/or are not currently presenting symptoms of COVID-19, you should complete a Worker’s Exposure Incident Form and fax it to the WSIB at: 1-888-313-7373 AND report this to your Principal or Custodial Supervisor.
If you are presenting symptoms of, and/or have been diagnosed with COVID-19, which you believe to be contracted at work, you should complete the above form, notify the Board in the usual manner and seek medical advice immediately. Be sure to document for your records the date of your doctor or hospital visit. COVID-19 exists in the broader community, which creates challenges in establishing the link between your workplace and contracting the virus. For a COVID-19 claim to be allowed, evidence must show that a worker’s risk of contracting the virus through their employment is greater than the risk to which the public at large is exposed, and that your work and/or workplace significantly contributed to the illness. You must also fill out a WSIB form 6, inform your Principal or Custodial Supervisor of this and send the completed form to DCDSB at or at DDSB.
The Exposure form can be accessed through the WSIB website or the CUPE 218 website.
You can also contact the CUPE office if you cannot access online.
We are in the process of sending everyone a copy of the new medical with some information around how to have the forms completed.
If you have any questions or need assistance please feel free to call the CUPE Office, we would be more than happy to assist you. The Committee members can be reached through the CUPE Office: 905-571-7879 or Toll free 1-888-571-0218 Fax 905-571-4102
As always, thank you all for getting us ready for another school year and making our students feel welcome as they return back to school!
Stay safe!
Carrie Boisvert-
Disability Management Coordinator
Sean Hebert-
Lori Richard-
Bobby Montgomery-
Facility Services Catholic Board
Welcome back Brothers and Sisters,
We have had a Great summer weather wise and hopefully everyone is coming back to work rested and recharged. We’ve all certainly had our ups and downs with what’s been going on here at home and around the world. Now we’re hopefully on the right path to some sort of normalcy in our lives.
The return to our schools/ buildings should be easier for us this year as we have basically the same cleaning protocols in place with only a few exceptions. There will be an updated cleaning and disinfecting document coming out in the first week of school which will have the changes highlighted for you.
Split shift are still not ironed out and we’re on the process of trying to find out as soon as possible how OMAC will start reintegrating split shifts into the schools. There have been questions regarding extra help for disinfecting as well and these issues are also being addressed. If you find that you are in need of extra help in your school, please contact your SQS and let them know. Also send an email to either John Quarrie, Natalie Melich or Dave Slater to keep us informed of your request and the answers you receive from OMAC. We want to make sure as many sites are provided with either their regular split shift or adequate assistance for any staffing shortfalls.
There will soon be a new copy of the latest Collective Agreement available but we are just waiting on the Board to finalize it. As soon as it’s available it will be posted on the CUPE 218 website.
As always if you have any questions or enquiries, please refer to your CUPE email for any updates or new information. If you do not have access to your CUPE 218 e-mail, please be sure to contact Sue Wilkinson at the union office ( for your login information; this information will give you access to both your email and the members’ area of our website. We encourage you to log in so that you have access to the latest updates concerning your union. Please also keep in mind that if you have been injured on or off the job, it is important to keep the union office informed.
Please remember to keep a close watch on your PPE inventory. If your school needs PPE supplies and your monthly delivery isn’t enough then place a work order in EBASE under “Shipping/Receiving” for extra supplies. This pertains to soap, hand sanitizer, masks, face shields and gloves. Disinfectant and regular cleaning supplies still go through SWISH. Try to avoid waiting until the last possible minute and running out. Also remember to keep your face masks on at all times except for eating and drinking as it is possible that you may be reported, as our supervisors are out at the schools checking on this for compliance. If you cannot maintain a 2m distance from students or other staff you must wear a face shield as well as your mask.
Please feel free to contact one of your reps listed below if you have any questions or concerns. We will do our best to provide the answers and/or support that is required. It would be great to see more custodial and maintenance personnel out to meetings or via ZOOM to hear what is happening with our union and school boards. If you or anyone you know is expressing interest in getting more involved with the Union and wishes to help their Brothers and Sisters, please contact any of your reps listed below for more information.
On a personal note I would just like to thank all of our custodial and Maintenance staff for their hard work and dedication to our fellow staff, students and buildings. Our professionalism and continued dedication makes me proud to be able to be your CUPE Rep.
In Solidarity,
Dave Slater – Chair C/M
Natalie Melich- Bargaining
John Quarrie- Bargaining
Public Board Custodial Maintenance
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Welcome back. I sincerely hope everyone had a great summer and had some time to relax and enjoy the nice weather with family and friends.
First off. I would like to congratulate Brother Kurt Badgley on his retirement. Kurt was one of the best guys I have ever had the pleasure of working with. Kurt you will be sorely missed. It’s going to be hard for someone to fill your shoes. All the best Bud!
It has been a busy summer here at the office and I do not see it slowing down anytime soon. The committee and I have now filed over 100 grievances since last June. This is a record number for Local 218. Definitely not something to be proud of. Since 2019 the amount of grievances we have filed and the fighting we have had to do to protect our member’s rights is absurd.
Most of the grievances that have been filed pertain to overtime losses. We have had one day of arbitration and are expecting to be back again in November. Arbitration is always a lengthy process, especially with it all being virtual. For those that do not know what Arbitration is?
Arbitration is a private process where disputing parties agree that one or several individuals can make a decision about the dispute after receiving evidence and hearing arguments. When arbitration is binding, the decision is final, can be enforced by a court, and can only be appealed on very narrow grounds. As soon as an outcome is reached the membership will be notified first thing.
I know there were a lot of unhappy members with the change of hours the last week before the students returned. Unfortunately we have nothing in our collective agreement that states when summer hours of work start and finish. Just the hours for that period. The only mention of summer is under the vacation article which speaks to summer being between the months of July and August. This is something to look into for the next round of negotiations.
The committee and I are going to be working closely with Brother Dan mills to address the staffing issues at our buildings. With enhanced cleaning protocols and the added pressures of dealing with COVID. Removing staffing hours out of buildings is unacceptable! We have had building where a new daycare has been added and management is refusing to adequately staff them by returning the hours that were removed pre COVID. Like I said unacceptable! Remember, take your breaks and do not over work yourself. Your health is your number one priority. I am going to be working with our local’s president and consulting the OSBCU and our legal to see what we can do to fix this. I am also going to be reaching out to our trustees about the treatment and disrespect of our custodial/maintenance members.
Now is the time for our members to come together and let management know we are not happy. In the 21 years I have worked for this board, I have never seen the morale this low. I am hoping we can see some changes from this employer in the near future. I would love to write to our members and talk about the good things that are happening. We shall see…..
The next general membership meeting is being held virtually on the 26th of September. Please plan to attend to receive important information about your local.
Please remember is you have the unfortunate experience of having a workplace injury or any other injury, Please contact the union office to keep us informed
In solidarity,
Bob Montgomery
Chairperson/Disability Rep.
John Alan Dan Mills
Dan Fusco Robin Fair
Kevin Lamont Jess Fusco
Public Board Custodial Maintenance Health & Safety
Health and safety news
September 2021-22
Welcome back everyone. It really has been a whirlwind year. I hope that you all had the opportunity to take time with family and friends as we all need to destress. It is hard to believe that the start of the school year is upon us.
A few things I would like to start off with are some basics around expectations of us as a worker and the rights and duties we have.
Duties of workers
28 (1) A worker shall,
(a) work in compliance with the provisions of this Act and the regulations;
(b) use or wear the equipment, protective devices or clothing that the worker’s employer requires to be used or worn;
(c) report to his or her employer or supervisor the absence of or defect in any equipment or protective device of which the worker is aware and which may endanger himself, herself or another worker; and
(d) report to his or her employer or supervisor any contravention of this Act or the regulations or the existence of any hazard of which he or she knows. (this would include work practices or lack there of)
(2) No worker shall,
(a) remove or make ineffective any protective device required by the regulations or by his or her employer, without providing an adequate temporary protective device and when the need for removing or
making ineffective the protective device has ceased, the protective device shall be replaced immediately;
(b) use or operate any equipment, machine, device or thing or work in a manner that may endanger himself, herself or any other worker; or
(c) engage in any prank, contest, feat of strength, unnecessary running or rough and boisterous conduct.
Workers Rights
Right to participate in keeping workplace health and safe
Right to know about hazards
Right to refuse work if they believe it is dangerous.
As you will see with the above reporting to or make aware is very important to allow the supervisor and employer aware and carries a lot of weight in the Ministry is called. They will look for this and refer to it as the IRS (Internal Responsibility System)
Over this past year there have been many issues be brought to surface and showed that we need to become proactive and practice our right and duties with the IRS. I beg of you to for it will only benefit us all not only presently but in the future. We need to start holding the employer and the supervisors to their responsibilities and duties. Section 25,26, and 27 of the OHSA.
When we start doing this be sure to document so it doesn’t become a he said, she said or it didn’t happen situation. The bottom line is we are only human and from what I have witnessed in the many years I have been active on the Board and in the Union is that we all show great pride and determination to provide the cleanest and safest buildings for the students and staff. Unfortunately, it is now being taken advantage of and pushed to the limits and some are even experiencing physical and mental pain. Being the proud people we are, most have persevered through it. This needs to stop and we need to gain respect back and take care of ourselves both mentally and physically. To do this we need to report our injuries no matter how slight and have the conversations with the supervisors and again documenting so there is record of it.
I communicate all of this to you, not only because I care and believe you all deserve to be respected. After years of doing this I feel and see inequity and it really bothers me especially considering the present times. Everything is trending toward some form of normalcy, which is a positive but our workload has increased and the staffing hasn’t. Overall the situation is still very fluid and changing due to the government not clear in their guidance and the Board of Health is not much better at times. By the time you read this school will be back in and I hope to have more definitive information. The one thing I do know is all schools will be getting a HEPA air system for the kindergarten rooms. Wait for guidance from the Board on cleaning and filter changes what is out there is being contradicted and the Board will be putting a memo out with what, how and who.
“See you along the path”
Dan Mills 905- 571- 7879
Catholic Board LINC ESL
Welcome back everyone!
We hope that everyone had a great summer and stayed safe during these trying times. As we enter our second school year with the pandemic, I would like to acknowledge the resiliency of all of us here at the Catholic school board.
The Board has published the seniority list, which can be found on the DCDSB website. If you have any disagreements with your seniority date, please contact Jacqueline McVeigh, Senior Manager, Human Resource Services, via email at before Friday, October 1, 2021. Please provide an appropriate explanation for the requested amendment. Don’t forget to include the union in on the correspondence, email address is
Going forward, please contact Eric Publow via email at eric.publow from the Board for all other union issues.
We are at the final stage of signing off on our first collective agreement with the Board. Unfortunately, it is taking more time than anticipated. Hopefully we will see our contract in the next couple of months, where it will be updated on the CUPE website.
There were no new or outstanding grievances to report at this time.
If you do not have access to your CUPE 218 email, please be sure to contact Sue Wilkinson at the union office ( for your login information; this information will give you access to both your email and the members’ area of our website. We encourage you to log in so that you have access to the latest updates concerning your union.
Our first General Membership Meeting is going to be on Sunday, September 26th, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. held virtually. We hope to see you on zoom.
All the best to all with the new 2021-2022 school year!
In Solidarity,
Sajida Aaron Bargaining Chair, DCDSB
Your Bargaining Committee:
Sajida Aaron –
Katherine Sanchez –
Public Board CON ED
Once again we find ourselves at the start of a new and somewhat unusual year. We hope you enjoyed the somewhat more relaxed summer and are ready for the joys and challenges this school year brings.
Safety continues to be an important issue. On August 4th the government issued a document entitled “Guide to Reopening Schools,” which stated the following:
- For schools or parts of schools without mechanical ventilation, school boards are expected to place standalone high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter units in all classrooms and learning environments. These units ensure particle filtration of air and improve air exchange. These units must be sized for the classroom or learning environment that is being used. In larger classrooms and learning environments, more than one HEPA unit may be required. For schools or parts of schools without mechanical ventilation, school boards are expected to place standalone high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter units in all classrooms and learning environments.
We have been in contact with our Con Ed administration to see if this has been done, and have been advised that HEPA filters have been added based on ventilation. Please check your work area to be sure this has been done. We were also told that the Board has completed wireless infrastructure upgrades in both our Pickering and Oshawa locations.
The Ontario School Board Council of Unions (OSBCU) has issued several statements setting out the OSBCU position regarding vaccinated employees and students. Please check the CUPE 218 website for details and the latest information.
Regarding job evaluation, members of our committee continued to meet over the summer with Linda Merkac, the CUPE national rep, Helen Gibb-Gavel, the CUPE JE specialist, and the Board reps accompanied by their legal advisers. At our initial meeting, we were advised of the points value of each job. These point values had been determined by the joint Board/CUPE JE Committee earlier in the year, based on the questionnaires submitted by our members. At the next meeting, we were shown how these points were aligned to existing pay bands of other CUPE units. The JE Terms of Reference, negotiated by CUPE and the Board a number of years ago, dictated whether a job would increase or decrease in value. Each member of our unit will receive an individual email stating the results of their specific job title.
We hope you are able to attend our first general membership meeting of the year on September 26th.
Please do not hesitate to contact Jane, Darlene or Judy should you require any information or assistance.
On behalf of your Con Ed bargaining team,
Jane Batterink
Bargaining Chair, Public Board
Continuing Education
Your Bargaining Committee:
Jane Batterink
Darlene Sasseville
Judy White
Catholic Board SCT
Welcome back Everyone! I hope everyone took advantage of the summer lull to get some time to yourselves and maybe to safely visit with people. Who knew this would still be a concern a year and a half later.
As we enter our second September of the pandemic, I want to remind everyone to follow all health and safety protocols. The board has issued their newest numbered memo on “COVID-19 Health and Safety Updates” that contains the basic protocols for PPE in the schools. The bottom line is:
- When indoors, masks need to be worn at all times (except when eating or drinking while
physically distanced); - When indoors and a physical distance of 2 meters cannot be maintained, eye protection
(face shield or goggles) is also required; - When outdoors, masks are required if 2 meters cannot be maintained from a masked
If the individual is unmasked, then eye protection is also required; - All staff are required to wear surgical procedural masks provided through the Ministry. If
there is a medical limitation to wearing appropriate PPE, the regular workplace
accommodation process will need to be initiated through the Human Resources
The exceptions will be considered with appropriate medical documentation outlining physical or cognitive limitations.
The other big topic is the Vaccination Attestation form. This is a directive from the ministry of education to the board and they legally must comply with it. Please ensure that you have filled out the form with your information by the given date or the board may proceed with progressive discipline. As for who has access to this information, we have been told it is on the board’s secure servers and that high level HR staff will have access to the information in order to verify it. The only people who will see your vaccination status outside of the verification staff will be your direct Supervisor/Manager/Principal. They will need to be informed of your vaccination status as they will be responsible for verifying the regular testing results for non-vaccinated staff. They will not know why someone is vaccinated -ie: medical or personal reasons.
Staff who are NOT vaccinated will be required to watch an educational video (if for personal reasons) and submit regular COVID-19 negative test results (personal and medical reasons). We are still waiting for information on how this process will work. The test will have to be done and the results verified prior to entering work. Currently testing is supposed to be twice a week. The board is waiting for more information from the Ministry before finalizing the specifics of this plan.
Continuing updates to these policies will be released by the board as they become available. Please check the CUPE 218 Website for information on CUPE’s response to developments as they happen. Also please continue to check your CUPE email for updates.
We are extremely excited that bargaining is finally finished, and we have a new collective agreement. The new agreement should be available very soon. Bargaining starts again soon so please be sure to get your ideas and priorities ready for when we survey the membership.
Please keep an eye on your enrollment numbers as HR usually looks at them near the end of September and adjusts the staffing levels.
Our next scheduled General Membership meeting is on Sunday, September 26th 2021, it will be virtual, and the link will be shared in the newsletter. I hope to see you there.
Mike Morris
Chairperson |
Sandra Ribeiro-Dantas
Bargaining Committee |
Jennifer Del Gatto
Bargaining Committee |
Public Board OCT
Welcome back to another school year. I hope everyone enjoyed the summer and all it offers: warm weather, time off, and relaxation. Then *POOF* just like that the summer is over and we are back into our routines.
It just wouldn’t be a CUPE newsletter without encouraging our members to be checking their CUPE emails regularly. You can set up your union emails to be forwarded to your personal email address so you don’t miss out on any information. The union shares all important information via our email system.
While on the subject of email, please be mindful when using your DDSB email. Remember this is an employer provided email for business purposes rather than personal business.
Check out the website for CUPE Swag – t-shirts, sweatshirts and hoodies coming soon.
The website offers so much information for our members:
Collective Agreement
Covid-19 information
OSBCU Updates
Edvantage Discount Offers
Unit Rep Contact Information
Plus so much more.
Work Day
Whether you are working at your office or working from home, please remember to take your breaks and lunches every day. It’s important to have that time for yourself, to change your focus and/or scenery. When working from home it’s easy to lose the separation between work and personal time. Be purposeful and set your schedule to include your breaks.
OCT Committee Contact Information
OCT Chairperson Allison Petty
Elementary Schools Rep Leanne Finlay
Secondary Schools Rep Antony Nembhard
Education Centre Rep Andrew Pearce
Catholic Board Educational Assistants
Welcome back! We hope you all had managed to get some much-needed rest and relaxation. It certainly was a long year and you all deserved a break. I know some of you took part in and supported summer programs as did I. Thank you all for doing that. It shows your dedication to our vulnerable students. I am not saying this year will be easier and am hoping that all staff can be in-person for the whole year instead of the support staff who worked all year in-person at great risk to yourselves. You all did amazing as you followed the Covid safety protocols and stayed safe and kept your students safe and for that we are grateful. As I write this it is September 2, 2021, and I realize that most of you are feeling unsure of what the future might hold; Will the 4th wave be worse than the 3rd wave? Will students have to go virtual again? These are the same questions we have and it is the unknown that is scary but regardless of what happens, we have faith in you all that we will overcome this time in our lives and look back and see ourselves as Warriors.
On another note, some EA’s have reached out to the HR department for various reasons and we have not been included or cc’d by some of you. When the problem(s) escalate and haven’t reached a fairer conclusion, this is when we are then brought in to resolve the issue that we were at first unaware of. This makes it much more difficult to intercede on your behalf when HR has already made a decision. In future, can you please cc me in when you are communicating with Board employees? If it is a return to work or health and safety issue cc Carrie Boisvert as well.
Health & Safety – Carrie Boisvert
Hope everyone had an enjoyable relaxing summer. As we move onto another school year, our number one priority is to ensure the safety of all our members. With the mandated changes from the province regarding COVID/ VACCINATIONS and RAPID testing please keep updated yourself with the updates from both the Board and CUPE. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at the CUPE office. As always, I remind you of the importance of completing the ONLINE incident report. Near the end of last year, we emailed and shared a link on the website around reporting. Reminding everyone that this is your reporting tool, and no one can tell you to or NOT to report. Please as we enter another school year, reach out to your PST and Principals to ensure that safety plans are readily available for you to review and up to date. Thank you for all you do, I know the impact that you have in these students lives.
By now you should have received an email from the Board namely Mike O’Neil Superintendent of Human Resources asking you to attest that you have had both vaccines and to upload proof of your vaccinations. We had a meeting with Mike O’Neil on Friday, September 3, 2021. The Board is following the Ministry of Education so if you have not attained your vaccines, you will be subjected to Covid testing twice per week if not more, and a course via video that you must participate in on your own time. The testing kits will be provided by the Board through the ministry and testing will be done at home before entering the school site. Whether or not you have been fully vaccinated, you still must fill out the attestation form and submit otherwise we have been told that in not doing so will be considered insubordination and employees will be sent home on an unpaid leave. This is ministry mandated. Please refer to the Ministry guidelines on reopening
All staff are required to wear a mask as well as the board issued goggles. All masks must be worn inside and the googles need to be worn inside if you cannot keep the 2 metres distance. When outside, you are only required to wear a mask if you cannot keep the 2 metres distance and you are required to wear the googles if you cannot keep the distance and the person you are encountering does not have a mask on. If a staff cannot wear a mask due to medical reasons, they are required to have a medical form filled out by their physicians listing their restrictions and limitations. This will be on a case-by-case basis, and the Board has other measures they will be implementing depending on the employees’ limitations.
By now you all should’ve received your 1% retroactivity for the years 2019 to 2021, as well as the 1% for the 2020 to 2021 school year in your first September 9th paycheque. Please don’t spend it all in one place. I’m planning on buying 3 extra large chocolate bars. Whoop!
A note from Susie Lee Fernandez – Superintendent of Student Services
Dear Educational Assistants,
Welcome back to a new school year! I realize that life has many ups and downs, but I sincerely hope that your summer has been restful and that you have had many joyful moments! Our spiritual for the year is “Community of Faith” and I personally and looking forward to reconnecting and being able to see people back in-person. Every year is a new beginning and a wonderful opportunity to reset our minds with a positive focus and commit to one new healthy habit for our own mental health and well-being.
I will be trying to visit more schools this year and I look forward to meeting many of you in person. Thank you for the learning and work that has already started in preparation for the return of students. You are the essential support for so many of our most vulnerable students and your passion and dedication is truly appreciated.
Wishing you a wonderful year ahead!
If you feeling depressed or worried or even anxious there are a number of Mental Health resources listed on the Boards main page, under “Mental Health & Well Being.” Please access these as well as the “FSEAP” support in your “My DCDSB” portal under “Human Resources.”
Labour Management
We have not received any Labour management meeting dates at this time.
We have not received any AD HOC dates at this time.
We are still awaiting a response to our Step III policy grievance on use of sick time while quarantining. This is not unusual as they do take a lot of time to get them to arbitration.
Job Evaluation
As you may have noticed that there have been a lot of new people hired in the Board’s HR department so we have been put on the backburner in bringing your position to an evaluation committee. We are still working and pushing to get it there.
Remember, we are here if you need us! If you’re a new employee and haven’t set up your CUPE email, please email or call the CUPE office @ (905) 571-7879.
Maureen Cope –
Bargaining Chair, Durham Catholic Board Educational Assistants
Bargaining Committee
Carrie Boisvert – Health & Safety Representative
Bobbi Jo Agius –
Shelagh Cauchi –
Just a reminder!
Keep in mind that if we don’t return your call right away it is because we are also working. We will return your call as soon as we are able.
Educational Assistants/Outdoor ED-Public Board
Hopefully you all had a safe return back to work and everyone was able to read the Welcome Back notice and reminders that was sent to all PB EA’s & Outdoor Ed. CUPE email. I apologize as this notice is shorter due to the time frame this written, we are still waiting on our completed CA and there are no updates re vaccines etc. except what is already out.
STAY IN THE KNOW – Continually check the Board and CUPE 218 website for all updates and required information. This is why we have a website and all members have a CUPE 218 email address. Information is posted as soon as it’s received for you. Contact Sue at for assistance with your email and Portal.
SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT- We’re going to start preparing for the next round of Bargaining. Crazy, I know as we just finished the last one! Hopefully we’ll be on track for this one! A Bargaining survey will be coming out this fall. We also need to be ready in making sure all of our members are informed of what is going on at the Central and Local Bargaining Tables. We need to make sure the community knows who we are and what we do- we aren’t teachers. Therefore, we will have to have our members mobilized/organized and ready to help. At some point there will be upcoming Mobilization training and we would like to see as many members as we can participate. Info will be out at a later date once everything is put in place. We hear all the time -what is the Union doing about it? This is your Union – We all are the Union and need to work together and support each other.
Sick days – you have 131 altogether. 11 paid at 100% and 120 Short Term Days paid at 90%. Unless you have any leftover days from the last school year of the 11. Each 1 day left over equals 10 top up days in Short Term. So, if you have 1 left then 10 of your Short Term Days would then be topped up to 100% and so on. After being off for 5 consecutive days, you are required to provide a Drs note which is to be submitted to Short Term Absence and it is beneficial to send a copy to the CUPE office as well. Any medical is not to be given to your Admin. That is your personal medical info. Time off for surgery or if you know you will be off for an extended amount of time- email Short Term Absence and they will assist you with what’s required.
LABOUR MANAGEMENT MEETINGS- these meetings will be taking place again this year. This is where the Bargaining Committee meet with Management to go through (and hopefully resolve), outstanding issues and items of concern that we bring forth that haven’t been resolved at a school level or over all within our Unit.
LEAVE OF ABSENCE, RESIGNATION/RETIREMENTS- these are all to be completed through the on-line process and can be found in your ESS page under Forms on Line. Requests for personal days off – We don’t have personal days unfortunately. The 2 days shown as personal days in your profile are actually for the Special Leave days. The list of what special leave days can be used for is in the Collective Agreement under Article L20.07
PERSONAL CONTACT INFORMATION-Article L23.17 in the CA states- It is a bargaining unit member’s responsibility to update the Board with respect to any changes to personal contact information including, but not limited to, current residential address and primary phone number. Any time you have changes, you need to contact HR so they can adjust your information. Please also contact the Union and provide your updates as well.
UPDATED AREA CONTACT INFO- this information will be coming out as soon as it’s completed. Until then, please use the chart below to contact the Rep/Steward for your area.
There are no longer EA Liaisons within the schools. Please contact your Rep directly for information.
Do not rely on Social Media and please stay off it while at work!!!
Take care, stay safe and be well.
In Solidarity,
Bargaining Reps – Tracey Lesperance, Glen Morrison, Sue Wilkinson, Lori Richards
Stewards – Fil Wylie, Deb Kennelly, Stephanie Dezsi and Brandy Townson
Public Board Educational Assistants Health & Safety
Public Board- Health and Safety
Welcome back!
I hope everyone had a safe and relaxing summer!
Though we are not yet out of the woods with the COVID-19 virus, there is hope that this school year will be more successful and manageable.
A lot has changed since last September, we are more prepared and have the resources needed for a safer work environment. Unlike last year, I have been told that there is more than enough PPE for everyone. And that there are a variety of masks that can be requested to accommodate those with allergies. You no longer need to get a Doctor’s note or request these masks through short-term disability. You only need to let the Secretary in charge of ordering know of your need.
With the start of a new school year, I wanted to provide a few updates for you to be prepared from a Health and Safety perspective.
Vaccination Policy –this is being updated daily. Watch for emails from DDSB on how this will operate.
Screening- All staff, students, and visitors will continue to screen daily prior to coming to school/childcare/work on the DDSB property.
Staff- will complete daily self-assessment emails to confirm they have completed self-screening.
Masks– All students Grade 1-12 will be required to wear a mask on school property, and when social distancing cannot happen.
PPE for staff-The Health and Safety Department has stated that there will be no issue with the supply of PPE. If you require a mask, gloves, gowns or eye protection, speak with your Head Secretary who is in charge of ordering. There are a variety of masks that can be provided, should you have an issue with a particular brand. Everyone is to wear DDSB provided medical masks indoors and outdoors when less than two metres distance apart. Eye protection is not required for education staff working with students who wear masks, although it will continue to be provided and may be chosen to wear for an added layer of protection. BUT, eye protection is required when working in close contact with students who are not masked.
There will be a DDSB COVID-19 Guide for Schools coming out as a reference for all changes for the upcoming year.
Staff rooms – will be open this year but will have site-specific guidelines. Check with your ADMIN.
As we transition back into our classes some items I would like you to consider.
- Do I have the appropriate PPEto do the job I am assigned? Does the BSP state PPE required? If so, make sure you have your own set and that it fits. If you do not, request it before you need it!
- Have you seen ALL the BSPs for the students you will be working with? Are they specific to each child? Are they updated- not just recycled from years past. Have you had a chance to be part of the creation? And when there is an incident, is it regularly being reviewed and changed to reflect behavioural changes.
- Where are my school’s student briefskept? They should be in a binder in the office. Have you reviewed the ones that you might have contact with? If not, ask to do so.
- Violent Incident Reporting- you can assess these forms in Employee Self Serve on the DDSB website. Keep in mind that in most cases if you are doing a VIR you should also be completing a safe schools form as well. After you complete the online form- your Principal should provide confirmation within 5 days. This will be via Employee self serve. If you do not receive one- ASK!
- DEBRIEF- after every incident you are to have a debrief- this should be time set aside for all involved in the incident to express thoughts, feelings, and next steps. This is a discussion, not a chance for Admin. to point out fault. It does not need to happen immediately (as sometimes it is chaotic in the school) but should be within 24 hours.
- Exposure forms- if you are exposed to bodily fluids, there is a WSIB exposure form to be completed.
- Parklane reports- if you are injured and require ANY first aid, such as ice, band-aid, disinfectant or need to see a medical practitioner, then you need to inform your Principal and have a Parklane report completed. (Even if you do not lose time from work) This is something that the Principal must complete online. This is protection for you, should the injury become more serious. If you do not protect yourself who will?
- YOU HAVE RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS, under the Workplace Violence Management Program and the Occupational Health and Safety Act. You have a duty to report (so does your supervisor) all acts of violence. You cannot be disciplined for speaking out. If you have any questions or concerns with regards to this let me know.
- What happens with the VIRs that are submitted? They are sent to the Health and Safety Officer, the Safe Schools team, and the Educational Assistant H and S Representative (Me). I then review them and forward info to the Steward that covers your area. They will then email you and make sure you are okay and answer any questions you may have. Please try to answer these emails, so that we know that you have received them. When we notice an increase in violence reporting from a school or class, we address it with The Health and Safety Officer, and/or Inclusive Student Services.
Further questions on Health and Safety can be found on the CUPE218 website. Or by reaching out to the steward for your school area or calling the union office.
Take care, stay safe and thanks for reporting,
Tracey Lesperance
Educational Assistant Health and Safety Representative
Cupe 218
Incident Debriefing Form
The employee violent incident report is the online form located on Employee Self Serve – left hand side – forms online
Safe Schools incident report is a ministry of Education mandated form and is now an online form located in Employee Self Serve – left hand side – forms online
Accident (injury) Report – is the WSIB report (parklane) filled out by the principal. This should be filled out anytime you are hurt, require first aid (ice, clean a wound), bruised or bit/scratched that breaks the skin, or seek medical attention.
PB EA Exposure Form
OTIP Article – Welcome Back
OTIP Article – Insurance Fraud

OTIP Article – 5 Steps to Building the Perfect Backyard Oasis
Employee Assistance Program
Employee Assistance Program
Durham Catholic District School Board Employees
FSEAP 1-613-549-5561
1-888-409-4499 Toll Free
Durham Public School Board Employees
Morneau Shepell 1-844-880-9142
Edvantage Program
Edvantage Card
The Edvantage Program gives you special access to discounts on
things like car insurance, Canada’s Wonderland passes, GoodLife
memberships, retail purchases and more!
Haven’t registered for Edvantage?
Contact Sue Wilkinson at to register today!