March 2025 Newsletter

Dear Members,

As many of you are aware, our new committees started in January 2025. I would like to congratulate and welcome the team, and I look forward to the next two years.

Recently, the OSBCU sent out a survey regarding Central Bargaining. Please take the time to complete the survey and share it with your colleagues. The OSBCU advocates for any monetary gains, so it is vital that you complete the survey to help them understand the priorities at the Central table. Please see the Link to complete the survey

Your committees have been hard at work reviewing your existing Collective Agreements, and you will soon receive a survey regarding local bargaining. Again, it is important for you to take the time to complete this survey so we can better understand the challenges we face at the local table.

We will soon be launching our Violence Campaign. When the information is shared, we need everyone to rate their school. This will help hold schools accountable for what is happening in their buildings. In order for us to see a change, we all need to be engaged and united, as this next round of
bargaining is going to be challenging, especially with the Ford government leading the way.

On a brighter note, our Social Committee has been hard at work and is planning some exciting events. Please continue to check your CUPE emails and join our CUPE 218 Facebook page, where information will be shared to keep members informed.

Our executive team has been conducting school site visits and has received nothing but gratitude and praise from the members, with many stating that this was long overdue. Our goal is to visit all sites and gather members’ contact information as we prepare for the next round of bargaining.

Thank you to all the members who have reached out with their trust and support in my new role. I take pride in supporting and advocating for each and every one of our 218 members, and I feel fortunate to be surrounded by such a dedicated team. Their commitment is inspiring and brings so
much hope for the future.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to me or the office if you have any questions or suggestions as we navigate the next two years.

In solidarity,

Carrie Boisvert
President Local 218
2080 Wentworth Street
Whitby, Ontario
905-571-7879 Ext 104

Vice-President Message

Dear Members,

By the time you read this, March Break will have come to an end. I hope that those of you who had time off enjoyed a well-deserved break, and those of you who remained in the buildings had a quieter, more manageable pace.

I would like to take a moment to express my gratitude for the hard work each of you puts in every day. Our schools would not function without your dedication.

As you are all well aware, our sector continues to feel the effects of a lack of supports and funding. We are often short-staffed, with employers expecting the same level of results as if we had a full complement of staff each day. Currently, we are collecting data regarding these staffing shortages, which will be valuable when addressing concerns with both employers and trustees. If you are being asked to take on more responsibilities during your shift, or if your workload has increased significantly, I encourage you to reach out to your unit chair or the CUPE office for assistance.

We are hearing from many members that workload and workplace violence are significant concerns. If you find yourself working with reduced staff and no replacement for absences, please inform your unit chair or stewards. It’s essential to remember that you are only one person, so focus on what you can manage.

I also want to remind everyone of the importance of self-care. Your physical and mental health are critical to both your personal and professional success. As we move through this time of year, burnout can become a real concern. Please take time for yourself and your family, and remember that the Employee and Family Assistance Program (EFAP) is available to support you. This service is also available to your immediate family.

For your reference, here are the EFAP links for the two boards:

We also have some important updates to share. OSBCU has recently released a survey regarding bargaining proposals, and I encourage you to participate. This is your opportunity to have your voice heard on key issues such as wages, medical form reimbursement, and benefits

Additionally, we are preparing for the next round of bargaining. While it may be some time before negotiations begin, we are committed to being fully prepared for what will likely be a challenging process. We are looking for lead mobilizers to help with our efforts. If you are interested or would like more information, please feel free to reach out to me.

Thank you again for your continued hard work and commitment. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any concerns or need support.

Warm regards,
Stephanie Dezsi

CB EA and H-S March Newsletter

Dear fellow DCDSB Educational Assistants,

I’d like to take this opportunity to introduce myself. My name is Anita Condron, and as of January 1, 2025, I have taken on the role of EA Bargaining Chairperson. I am honored to serve in this role and will do my best to continue the great work that those before me have done. I look forward to working with all of you.

I also want to welcome and introduce our committee members. Maureen Cope will continue on in her role as Bargaining Rep. Joining her as a Bargaining Rep is Michelle Wolbert and Caterina Divilio as Steward. Congratulations to everyone!

I can confidently say they are already bringing valuable expertise and meaningful contributions to the team and to our members. I hope you all had a relaxing and enjoyable March Break. Our hard work makes a difference in the lives of so many. We need this time to relax and recharge and to take care of ourselves, physically and mentally before we can effectively help or support others and continue to do the amazing and important work we do daily.

Seniority List: The EA Seniority List was released on January 30th. Please take a moment to check your placement and ensure it is correct.

Staffing Shortages & Reporting: Thank you to all the volunteers who are updating the staffing charts when there are supply shortages. These charts provide critical evidence to the employer helping us highlight staffing shortages that lead to unsafe working conditions and burnout.

When we are short-staffed, we are often asked to bundle multiple high-needs students, skip breaks, or work with unfamiliar students without adequate time to thoroughly review safety plans or access proper PPE. This creates unsafe conditions for both us and the students. When students who require 1:1 support are grouped together, it becomes impossible to follow their safety plans properly, putting everyone at risk.

Whether it’s combining students or taking on tasks outside of our job description, we may believe we’re helping, but in reality, we’re only making the situation harder. By taking on these extra responsibilities, the employer sees no need to hire additional staff or provide the necessary support. If  we’re already doing the work, they don’t perceive it as a problem that needs solving.

Attendance Management Concerns: Letters have been going out to staff who have reached 11 sick days and 8 occurrences. HR is using a Jan-Jan calendar year for attendance management, which doesn’t align with the school year (Sept-June). Not everyone who meets the threshold will have a meeting, as it’s at the principal’s discretion once they receive the names. CUPE disagrees with the current program as it doesn’t align with the school year and also excludes the disability manager, who could provide valuable insights into the member’s absences. If you receive a letter, please contact us so we can support you. You are entitled to union representation at these meetings.

CAS Investigations & Physical Interventions: We have had an increase in CAS investigations this year. Some of our members have been placed on home assignments while awaiting investigation by CAS and subsequent inquiries from HR. This process is understandably stressful for the EAs involved.

I want to remind all EAs that hands-on interventions or BMS techniques should only be used when a student is at imminent risk of injury to themselves or others. Physical intervention should always be a last resort. If you are holding a student’s hand and walking with them, and they suddenly flop, do not pull or drag them. Never pull a student forcefully. If a physical intervention is necessary, it is crucial to follow the safety plan and use BMS as trained.

Any time a physical intervention is used, it must be reported to your principal and an incident report completed. If you work with a student who makes false allegations, it’s important to email your principal with the date, time, location, and details of the situation. Create a paper trail and protect yourself. Incident Reports: Many members have reached out to us expressing concerns about not being given time during your paid hours to complete incident reports. There has also been some conflicting information from HR suggesting that these reports should be completed during your paid breaks. However, your break time is your own—it’s meant for rest.

Your principal should provide time during your paid hours for you to complete incident reports, debrief, and complete Parklanes. This can be arranged by offering coverage during the day or utilizing time before and after the bell when you would otherwise be on bus or kiss-and-ride duty, or setting up student workstations. We are actively working with the superintendent to resolve cases where members have been asked to stay after hours to complete reports.

Keep an eye on your email for a link to the DCDSB EA Classification Meeting – April 7th at 7 PM

Health & Safety Reminders:

Student Safety Plans

  • As per Memorandum STSE24-251, staff must review plan details before students enter the building
  • If there is no safety plan in place or you have not been given time to review it, you have the right to refuse unsafe work under the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA)
  • Safety plans are living, legal documents and should be updated with EA input regularly as behaviours and situations change

Notification of Risk of Injury (NORI)

  • The NORI provides information to workers related to a risk of workplace violence from a person with a history of violent behavior
  • This MUST be provided to all staff in the building that can be expected to encounter the person in the course of their work – make sure you read them before working with your student

Transportation Safety Plans

  • Students with safety plans must also have a transportation safety plan
  • Cell phones have been provided to all schools—take one on the bus/taxi/excursion for emergencies to summon immediate assistance

Walkie-Talkies & PPE

  • Every EA should have a working walkie-talkie to summon immediate assistance
  • If PPE is required in a student’s safety plan, you must have your own and as per the OHSA Section 25(1)(b.1) is a proper fit and be appropriate in the circumstances

Incident Reports and Parklanes

  • If you require first aid due to aggression (ice, clean a wound, bandage, a few minutes to calm), check First Aid on your incident report
  • A Parklane is required within 24-36 hours when first aid is administered or you seek medical
  • If exposed to bodily fluids (spit, vomit, feces, etc.), please complete a WSIB Exposure Form
  • Please be mindful about using student and staff names in your reports. Use alternatives such as EA, writer, student, etc.
  • Your committee is actively reviewing and responding to your reports. If you need assistance or have questions when filling them out please let us know
  • If you have any concerns regarding your rights, job description or duties, health and safety or other concerns and questions, please reach out. We are here to support you and advocate for a fair and safe workplace.

Thank you for all that you do!

In solidarity,

Anita Condron
Chairperson, Health and Safety Rep

Bargaining Reps

Maureen Cope

Michelle Wolbert

Caterina Divilio

Public Board EA Outdoor Assistants March 2025

Public Board – EA/Outdoor Assistants – March 2025

Welcome to hopefully the end of the winter season! Who else is tired of shoveling snow!?

Just want to say thank you to each and everyone of you for the incredible job that you do supporting our high needs students.

SENIORITY LIST – comes out end of March each year

A few things to remember if you ride a bus- make sure you know the SSP for the student you’re riding for.

Kiss N Ride duty
DO NOT open car doors
DO NOT unbuckle/buckle seatbelts/car seats
DO NOT direct traffic in the middle of a parking lot – we are not human pylons!

When you call in, post in SFE, email, text in sick – you just say you are not in (fill in date) you are sick. You do not need to give any further explanation of why you are off. When off 5 days – you will need a Cupe medical certificate completed by a Doctor – that form does NOT go to your admin, you will send it to as well as and

Violent Incident forms – are to be done during your working hours, you must be given time to complete as it is part of your job.
Parklane forms – these are done by admin(admin can not refuse doing this) which is about your injury, done even if medical was not received – can be done for 1st aid, mental health, and for sure when medical is sought.
Exposure forms – these are done by you when you come into contact with student’s bodily fluids (spit, saliva, vomit, blood, urine, feces, scratched and skin is broken)

We have an official CUPE 218 Facebook Page now, look for it to join!

If you have questions or concerns – please contact the steward for your area directly before posting on social media

We are also tracking schools where EA jobs are going unfilled – again we can not advocate for our members if we do not know what’s going on in each school.

People are saying why bother – we need to start somewhere, the current executive team is pushing for change and we need everyone’s help doing that.

Chairperson: Brandy Townson – or

EA Classification meeting – virtual Saturday March 28th, 2025 @ 10am – link will be sent to email (contact the office if you can not get into your Cupe email or email your steward with a personal email address)

Next General membership meeting is Mar 30, 2025 – will be in person and virtual- link sent to your email address on file

BMS – Many have not updated their BMS certification – YOU must do that – it is part of the job requirements that you have this up to date. Check online in the learning hub on the DDSB website if you are not sure when yours expires.

“Those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.”
– George Bernard Shaw

Continuing Education Public Board March 2025

Continuing Education – Public Board March 2025 Newsletter

March break is just around the corner. Yippee!!! This is YOUR time to get a bit of reprieve from your hectic work responsibilities. Don’t stress about planning, marking and preparing work for your classrooms, your students and the children within our programs. The best way to look at March Break is this is TIME to relax, refresh and refocus.

I would like to take this opportunity to officially welcome Maha Bala to our Bargaining Committee. I know that with her experience within our program and willingness to always offer support and encouragement, she will be a valuable member.

Seniority List: As with every year, the updated seniority list will be sent out on March 31st, 2025. Until then, you can find last year’s list on the CUPE Website in the Members Portal.

2024 T4’s- Everyone should have received their T4’s and the T1198 form at the end of February. Please remember that the T1198 form is for you to file with your taxes and it will allow CRA to assess whether your income tax payable should be reduced based on having some of the payment distributed to prior tax years.

OTIP Premium T4A is now available online. Emails went out at the end of January. You will need to log in to your OTIP account to access your digital tax slip.

Strategic Planning- The local’s strategic planning is well under way, I will continue with my visits to each location to share valuable information as well as to obtain your preferred way for the local to communicate with you. Our main goal is to be as prepared as possible for this next round of bargaining. Safety Grade Campaign- Local 218 has launched their health and safety campaign called Safety Grade, this campaign is to give voice to both staff and community around the good, bad and ugly that is happening within the buildings of Durham region. More information is coming out, please look out for the QR codes and voice your concerns about what is happening at your work locations regarding workload, violence, staffing shortages, etc.

Labour Management- We had our 2nd meeting on February 12th, unfortunately nothing good came out of this meeting. As you have all been made aware, the Pickering CNC program will be closing in June 2025 and the Oshawa program will close June 2026. This is a devastating decision for our families who utilize our support services. I urge you to continue to have conversations about these cuts with your students and come out to support any of our effects to overturn this decision by the board. We will be holding a rally at the next DDSB Regular Board meeting on Monday, Mar 17, 2025at 6:00 pm. Please watch your email for more information. Thank you for your support, we definitely need it right now.
I have reached out to our administration to request a follow up meeting so that the CNC staff can ask questions and voice their concerns. We were not provided with this opportunity during our initial meeting as we were in shock. Our meeting will take place on March 31st during the PD session.

Our next labour management meeting is scheduled for April 3, 2025. I have a feeling that this will be a lengthy meeting. We will continue to follow up on the status of instructor job descriptions as the draft was provided to management months ago. We discussed bringing back the monthly staff meetings so that communication can be shared with everyone all at once. Management agreed to this request but at the same time, I have not been made aware of when a meeting will take place.

Supply Shortage- We continue to have concerns with a shortage of supply staff, even though new supply instructors were hired. It is imperative that we have documentation every time that a supply instructor is not available. It is only from statistics that we can make changes in the right direction. Please contact Kristine, Arisa or Maha if your class is not covered.

Collective Agreement- The collective agreement has been posted on both the DDSB and CUPE websites. I encourage you to take some time to review the agreement. Please remember if you have any questions regarding the CA, please reach out to either Arisa, Maha or myself.

Classification Meeting- We will be having a Classification Meeting on Saturday, April 5th at 11:00am to go over any questions or concerns you may have about our unit as well as any questions regarding our current Collective Agreement. This is a great opportunity to connect, share and share on issues that we are facing in our workplace. I hope that you will be able to join. A link will be sent out closer to the date.

Payroll and Benefits- There have been some questions about issues on payroll or benefits. Since this information is confidential, the union is not always privy to this information. It is therefore suggested that your first call be to the payroll department. Sometimes, it’s just a matter of misinformation to the payroll department and can be cleared up with a phone call. If there is still a discrepancy that can’t be resolved, then call the union for assistance.

Payroll & Benefits Specialist- Kate Hull- 905-666-6414
I am pleased to report that the International Language Instructors updated wage rate  would have been reflected on the Feb.20/25 pay date. This pay date would have also included retroactive pay going back to September 1, 2023, based on the hours worked between then and now. There will also be retroactive pay for time worked dating back to 2021. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact one of your bargaining unit members.

I am equally pleased that the Reporting Tech hourly rate of pay has been corrected and any retroactive pay would have been reflected on the Feb. 20/25 pay date. Please remember to always check your pay stub for accuracy, you deserve to be paid correctly for the hours you have worked each pay period.

Trades Conference- I would like to thank the membership for providing me with the opportunity to attend the 2025 Trades Conference at the end of January. Many tradespeople gathered to address pressing issues in their fields and to strategize on improving working conditions. I appreciated the opportunity to be included in the conversations, discussions and planning among tradespeople in the public sector.

CUPE School- I was very fortunate to take part in the Executive training this year. During this week-long program I gained valuable skills on decision making, understanding the roles and responsibilities of the executive team as well as strategies for dealing with conflict, engaging membership and preparing for future bargaining. Thanks again to the membership for allowing me to attend.

OSBCU 2025 Convention- I look forward to attending the 8th annual OSBCU convention that will be held on March 18th to March 22nd in Ottawa. This is an opportunity for me to be part of debating important and even contentious issues and hear what matters most to education workers across the province. OSBCU continues to fight for matters of health and safety, and wages for workers across the province. It will be a privilege to be able to attend and meet other strong advocates within the school board sector.

Issues arising at your workplace- If you are having any problems at work, the first step you need to take is to speak with your Admin. They are your direct supervisor and they are there to help and to work with you in getting the support you need. If you can’t seem to get a chance to go see them, send them an email with your issue/concern and ask for a time that you can meet to speak with them.

New CUPE Facebook and X page- Early February we saw the launch of our new official 218 page. This is a great place to stay up to date with all your union related information.

Our last newsletter of this school year will be posted in June 2025.

Our next General Membership meetings will be held on March 30th, April 27th and May 25th at 7:00pm. Please remember that all meetings are now available with a virtual link. This is a great opportunity to have your questions answered by the experts.

As always, please feel free to contact Arisa, Maha or Kristine for any union-related issues.

Kristine Brown-

Arisa Tierney-

Maha Bala-

Continuing Education – Public Board- Health & Safety

At the time of writing this newsletter, I want to acknowledge that February 28th is International Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) Awareness Day. This date is devoted to raising awareness of repetitive strain injuries. One of the leading causes of workplace injuries involves the hazard of poor ergonomic design which can lead to a RSI.

If you are experiencing symptoms of Repetitive Strain Injury and you are concerned that they are impeding your ability to work, speak with Administration. Together you can work on implementing ergonomic prevention solutions that will eliminate any further injury. Remember to report all work-related musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), to WSIB immediately.

When reporting an accident or injury please notify Admin, as well as the Union. Delays in reporting could result in a worker not receiving monies and or benefit entitlement.

The second Oshawa Health and Safety was completed on Feb. 20th. Once again this
was scheduled when I was available to attend but I have been provided with the
inspection report. I would like to thank you for pointing out any and all concerns that you have. I have requested to be included in the next site inspection at our Pickering

During the Joint Health & Safety Committee meeting that I attended on Mar 6, 2025, it was brought to my attention that ALL DDSB employees should have or be getting a photo ID tag. I will follow up with administration on this matter as I believe it has been communicated that only the Oshawa location would receive this as part of the school fob system.

When an illness or injury is severe enough to impact your abilities to work the Union will help facilitate a safe, healthy and sustainable return to work plan which may include workplace accommodations. This process could be a very stressful and frustrating time and we are here to help and support you in any way that we can. Also, any medical or documentation you receive from/or need to submit to either the employer or WSIB please share this info with the union as well.

Please remember that all permanent and LTO staff have access to the DDSB  mployee
Family Assistance Program, which can be accessed on the staff home page. You will be redirected to the Telus
Health One site This platform is a place for you to access
confidential advice and support for all your health and well being needs. You can
access a range of services and resources about family, health, life, money and work.

Kristine Brown
Continuing Education Health & Safety Representative



First of all, welcome Carrie and Stephanie as our President and VP, respectively. Also, welcome to all CUPE 218 staff, veterans in their positions and those in new positions.

It looks like spring is on the way weather-wise. Spring is when everything is fresh and alive again. It is a time for renewal, and so let’s renew our resolve to hold employers accountable.

The federal Liberal government is slashing immigration numbers, and is also slashing funding for newcomer programs. Workers pay for the government’s mishandling! By personally contacting your MP to make your own voice heard and be more engaged, you can hold the federal government to account. Find your MP here. You can also join rallies to support fellow members. Check the CUPE website and CUPE 218 on Facebook for details on events.

CLB levels 5 and up will no longer be federally honoured come the next school year. Only Stage I (CLB 0-4) will be covered by the federal government in the LINC/ESL classroom come September, 2025. Hopefully, the provincial government will continue to support thosenewcomers who require CLB 6 so that they can continue their education without worry. These cuts also means that night classes will be cut from the federal budget which will result in fewer or no night classes for newcomers who work during the day! When you look into why the feds are cutting funding, it doesn’t make sense: more newcomers, fewer programs; they want newcomers to find employment, yet cut CLB 5+ classes; etc.

On a lighter note, the DCDSB LINC/ESL instructors continue their dedicated hard work helping newcomers adjust to Canada. All classes are full and running successfully. However, there are close to 500 potential students on the waitlists for classes, the majority of whom are in Stage I. We enjoyed a PD Day on March 7, just before the March Break, which included a relaxation/yoga session, and then independent PD training for PD hours.

Unfortunately, there are still a couple of outstanding OMERS issues with two unit members. This has been brought to the attention of Dana Porter (VP), Chris Cuddy (Principal), and Jaime Sheepwash (Chief Human Resources Officer). Hopefully, these are resolved before the next Labour Management meeting on March 20, 2025. You are encouraged to keep following up on your issues and never give up. Always let your CUPE committee know if you have not been able to resolve an issue.

We remember our brothers and sisters at the DDSB, in LINC/ESL especially, who are already experiencing the blows of federal cuts.

Please don’t be complacent and contact your MP, let CUPE 218 know of any unresolved issues, check your CUPE email regularly, and never hesitate to contact your committee members for anything.

Have a wonderful march Break!
Your Committee,
Tracy Gill (Chair)
Katherine Sanchez (Steward)

Newsletter March 2025 OCT

DDSB OCT Newsletter – March 2025

Spring, spring, spring. After this winter, “Spring” is a refreshing word to speak and hear. I can’t wait for it to arrive. 2025 has rocketed through the first few months and politics south of the border has become evident and eminent in our daily lives. The local has been bustling with initiatives and preparation for our upcoming season of bargaining. The work that is being done is proactive and geared towards member engagement and input. Please take the time to complete the surveys that are being sent out. We would like your voice to be central in any proposal we put forth.

L25.15 of our collective agreement states” In no case shall general student supervision be assigned to a classification or position in this bargaining unit where supervision is not a core duty of that classification” If you are consistently being left with students in your workspace, and they are clearly not being supervised or cared for by admin or employee qualified to supervise, document and contact your union rep. Have a conversation with your supervisor and request a reasonable solution. It is important to advise the union of these situations and provide your documentation.

AI is on the rise
Artificial intelligence, we are not exactly there yet, but the LLM’s or large Language Models that we attribute to AI are on the rise. They are great tools if used correctly and a great hinderance if overused or misused. Remember to verify the facts from these tools and stick to the guidelines that the board establishes. Take some time to learn how these tools can help you in your everyday tasks. Take the fear out of the unknown potentially maximizing your time and efforts with their use.

Strategic Plan
The Union is in full preparation mode ready to rally up our members to get a fair bargaining experience in our next round of negotiations. We have been visiting schools and are thrilled at the welcoming atmosphere we receive from our members. The appreciation of our presence is vividly evident. If you haven’t seen one of us at your school, we will find our way in the very near future.

Please be sure to send us any forms that we have left behind so that our member database is complete and up to date. The information is valuable not only to assist in disseminating information, but also to verify and protect the jobs that you are in.

T1198 Slips
The repeal of Bill 124 has cause waves on many different levels. Please ensure that you receive and file the T1198 slip with your taxes so that you take advantage of the special tax calculation with this year’s tax return.

OCT Survey
On February 12th a survey was sent out to all OCT members looking for your feedback and input on your well being in the workplace. We ask that if you have not seen nor submitted this survey, that you log into your account and tell us how you feel. To affect change, it is essential that we know how our members are being treated in their work environment.

Did you know?
Spring begins on the date between winter and summer when the day and the night are almost the same length. That day is called the spring equinox, and it happens between March 19 and March 21 each year.

Thunder Storms are more likely to happen in the spring than during other seasons. Spring has the right conditions: warm, moist air and a lot of moving air currents.

The weather helps you smell things more strongly. In the spring, there’s more moisture in the atmosphere. The extra moisture not only helps keep scents in the air longer, but it also makes it easier for you to smell them.

Enjoy the promising good weather and remember that we all need to take care of our health first and the job second.

On Behalf of your OCT bargaining team, please stay Healthy and Safe!

Antony Nembhard – OCT Chair –
Ramona-Lisa Mcdonald – Ed Centre Rep –
Leanne Finlay – Secondary School Rep –
Allison Petty – Elementary School Rep –

SCT March 2025

DCDSB SCT/IT March Newsletter

As winter ends and spring begins, we’re pleased to share our March newsletter. Each day, we observe changes in nature—from thawing landscapes to new colors and birdsong. This season reminds us of renewal and the promise of better days ahead.

CUPE local 218 is always looking for more members to be involved. If you have any interest in becoming involved with the union or looking to expand your knowledge of worker rights, maybe you can find your calling helping others. Please contact the CUPE office to find out how to get involved. As a reminder, we are actively looking for a bargaining committee member and a steward.

The board is actively sending out their Absence reports as part of their attendance management program. If you are contacted by the board regarding your attendance, please ensure you contact the union office. If you are told you are required to attend a meeting, please ensure that you request a CUPE 218 rep to be with you at the meeting.

If you are filling out SFE and you want a replacement for the day, ensure you check
“Replacement required”. In discussions with the board, they informed us that they do not see the reports of absences early enough if people don’t check that box.

Honestly, for school-based positions you should always request a replacement. There is no guarantee that they will always have one, but at least with that box checked they will see the absence.

If you are not getting coverage, please track that, send us a monthly copy if it is bad enough. With factual statistics, we can counter the board when they tell us they don’t believe it is happening often.

Job evaluation notifications have been sent out, which is a positive development. New jobs are required to be reviewed after one year, a process that has not been consistently followed until now. If your position or title was newly created, anticipate receiving a PDQ. It is believed that the oldest jobs requiring review are being prioritized..

It’s tax time again, remember to save all your important emails and slips in a personal email or folder. So often people retire or leave and then contact the board to try to get access to their old accounts. This is not something that the board does. If you have an important email or personal information in your board OneDrive/Outlook – move it to a personal storage or email account.

Remember to complete and return the OSBCU bargaining survey sent to your CUPE email. This information is crucial in helping OSBCU understand your priorities. Additionally, begin considering your priorities for local bargaining issues, as August 2026 will arrive sooner than you think.

Each adult holds a responsibility for the safety of every child. However, what we aren’t accountable for is prolonged student supervision. If you sense that your school administrator is exploiting your presence in the office by leaving students unattended while supervisory staff is absent, address the issue directly with the administrator. Clearly communicate in writing that it’s not your duty to supervise students. If the problem persists, escalate the matter by informing your Union Representative.

Ensure that you’re consistently taking your breaks and lunches every day. You deserve these moments of rest and are entitled to them. Additionally, it’s beneficial to step away from your desk during these breaks to enjoy some peace and quiet. It’s unsustainable to cram 8+ hours of work into a 7-hour day. Work at a reasonable pace and prioritize avoiding burnout. Remember, the more tasks we complete in a day, the more our employers may expect from us.

We regularly hear complaints from members that they are being asked to do more and more tasks during the day. As long as you keep doing what’s asked of you, they will keep asking for more. It is up to you to say I cannot do that plus everything else I have to do in my regular workday. Inform your principal and/or supervisor that you need them to prioritize what they want done.

If you experience an injury while on the job, it’s crucial to promptly report it to your principal and/or supervisor. Ensure that all necessary paperwork is filled out thoroughly and consider making copies for your personal records. Additionally, please inform the Union Office ( about the incident and provide any subsequent updates. Our support is available to assist you when needed, but effective assistance can only be provided when we are kept informed.

If you are asked for a doctor’s note that you must pay for, please make sure you submit your receipt to Christie Morissette at the DCDSB as per the collective agreement the board reimburses for medical notes up to $45.

For any Health and Safety questions or concerns please contact the SCT Health and Safety Rep Alyssia King at (

Mike Morris –

Jennifer Del Gatto –
Bargaining Committee

DCDSB FS Newsletter

DCDSB FS Newsletter – March 2025

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

It is hard to believe that we are in the month of March. I hope everyone had a great March break and was able to get a lot accomplished in your school during the break. We have a lot going on in the next few month with bargaining surveys coming out from the OSBCU and local bargaining as we prepare for next year’s round of bargaining.

At the beginning of March we hosted our classification meeting virtually but unfortunately we had no one show up to the meeting other than the committee. We are trying to keep the members informed with the next round of bargaining and other things that are going on around the board and CUPE events. We are also going around to school’s as part of our strategic plan to talk to members and get information from members so we can communicate and share information easier to our membership.

I just wanted to give you update on the grievances that are still on file with the board. We have 4 grievances for acting chief during the summer time months. These were filed because the members were in the schools all summer with no support from a chief custodian either through sick time or retirement. We have 1 grievance for Chief posting for Notre Dame. We have 1 grievance for pylons at a school. We have 1 grievance for not following the overtime list. We have put 16 grievances in abeyance for weekend permit coverage as we are waiting to sit the arbitration case for the weekend permit coverage. We have 2 other grievances going to arbitration for security checks and Allpurpose positions. We are still waiting for responses from the board from the meetingthat we had in January.

As many of you are aware that our Facility manager has been off of work for over 5 months now so if you have any concerns or issues please reach out to your Supervisors or Scott Grieves.

We had our labour management meeting where we discussed a few things during that meeting, such as mileage for training e.g. equity training. If you go to your school and have to report to training then you can submit mileage just like if you would be if you were on a split position. Another thing we talked about was the length of time it takes to get our supplies from Swish. The Board said that they had had a meeting with Swish and that Swish was having staffing issues as well as a number of their vehicles breaking down. Swish maintained that they will be back on schedule after March break as they have been renting trucks and letting warehouse staff to go out and deliver the supplies so they can get back on track with the deliveries.

At this time we have 24 floaters on the board so the board is over the compliment that is required from the collective agreement. Management told us that there has been a large number of members off on sick leave so hopefully with this many floaters it will help at the different locations that are short.

The new seniority list came out at the end of January but there were a lot of errors on the list so we have reached out to HR for the correction so I am hoping that the new list will be out shortly with the corrections.

With spring arriving the snow is melting so watch out for ice patches in the parking lots and play areas. These area should be salted to prevent any falls and injuries. If you have any injuries at work please remember to fill out a Parklane report even if you don’t go to the doctors as this injury could affect you later on in the day, week or year. The Parklane can be filled out with your principal or supervisor.

If you have any questions or concerns with anything at your work locations please reach out to your committee. We are here to assist and if we don’t have the answer we will get it for you.

Our social committee will be meeting to go over some social events that we are planning for our members so please keep an eye for emails and check out our new Facebook page that is run by the local to keep members in the loop. If you haven’t joined the Cupe 218 Facebook page please do so.

Thanks for all the work you do at your schools.
Sean Hebert Dave Slater Greg Gillis Mike Clements

March 2025 PB CM

Newsletter for March 2025 PB CM

Well spring is just around the corner and it can’t come fast enough. On Sunday March 23rd, at 7 pm the Public Board Custodial Maintenance unit will be holding a virtual classification meeting. We will be discussing items that we feel need to be addressed for the next round of bargaining. Even though it is still a year away, we are already planning for our next contract. A survey link has also been sent out via email and posted on social media. Please take the time to read & complete the survey to help us understand our biggest concerns.

I had a chance to attend the Leads testing on March 12th. It was a great turn out with nearly 50 members in attendance, good luck to all those that attended.

Workload is still a very hot topic amongst our unit. As a reminder, please take your breaks and lunch on a daily basis. You should be working at a safe comfortable pace throughout your shift. Working faster could potentially lead to a workplace injury which we do not want to see. Always make your Lead and supervisor aware if you are unable to complete any task during your shift. The workload committee will continue to bring forward our concerns regarding the understaffing at our schools when meeting with the employer and it will be addressed at the next round of bargaining.

I have been hearing from some members that are still waiting on work orders that have not been completed for a long period of time and some of those work orders for equipment repairs are well overdue. If this is happening, please follow up on Ebase and then with your supervisor. If no action has been addressed beyond these attempts, please contact the union office so we can reach out to the employer.

On the disability side of things, the employer seems to be enforcing having a DDSB medical certificate completed when you are off on an unrelated WSIB injury. Please have your medical practitioner fill out all the necessary boxes on the form when having it completed. As a reminder, whatever paperwork you send to the employer, please send to the union as well.

In Solidarity,
John Allan Chairperson
Robin Fair
Tyler Hunter
Ian Watt
Kelly Watts
Jamee McPherson

Disability Management

Disability Management

The commencement of this school year has been particularly challenging, with ongoing staff shortages, increased workloads, and a rise in incidents of violence impacting everyone. It is of paramount importance that you prioritize both your physical and mental well-being during this difficult time. Failing to maintain our health, both physically and mentally, can have a profound effect on our personal and professional lives. We must remember that each individual faces unique challenges, and it is essential that we offer support to one another and encourage others to do the same.

I trust that you are staying healthy and safe as we continue to navigate these trying
circumstances. I strongly urge all members to focus on their mental health, as self-care is critical, especially in these challenging times.

Please be reminded that should you experience a workplace injury, it is crucial to contact the CUPE office immediately to address any concerns or inquiries you may have. We cannot emphasize enough the importance of completing all required documentation and submitting it to the CUPE office in order to facilitate support during this process. Upon receiving a notification of an injury (Occurrence Report), the CUPE office will send you a letter outlining the necessary forms and procedures. We recognize that this may be a difficult time, but in order to provide the best possible support and ensure a safe return to work, all documents submitted to the Board should also be forwarded to the CUPE office. Please be assured that all information remains confidential and is accessible only by members of the Disability Team. If you are contacted by the Board regarding potential accommodations following an injury, please do not decline the offer. Instead, kindly request that they reach out to the Union to arrange a meeting. Declining the offer may notify WSIB and complicate the approval process for your claim.

I cannot overstate the importance of reporting all workplace incidents, regardless of
whether an injury is sustained.

Be sure to include the CUPE office in all correspondence.

Workplace Exposures

We have received a number of inquiries regarding workplace exposures to bodily fluids, chemicals, and other potentially harmful substances. If you believe you may have been exposed to such hazards while at work, but are not experiencing any illness, you should complete a Worker’s Exposure Incident Form and fax it to WSIB at 1-888-313-7373. Additionally, please notify your Principal of the incident.

It is important to document the date of any medical visits related to the exposure if
required. You are also required to complete WSIB Form 6, inform your Principal, and
send the completed form to Marcelle Spadafora at or (for DDSB).

The Exposure Form is available on the WSIB website or the CUPE 218 website. Should you be unable to access the form online, please contact the CUPE office for assistance.

LTD Packages

Both school boards are currently distributing LTD (Long-Term Disability) packages via

For DDSB members, once the CUPE office has been notified of receipt of your LTD
package, we will send you a LTD letter with additional information and follow up with a phone call.

For DCDSB members, due to the detailed nature of the information sent by Rose
Pearson, we do not send a separate letter but will contact you to confirm that you have received the package.

If you have any questions regarding the package or require assistance with printing or submitting any forms, please do not hesitate to contact the CUPE office.

Please remember how important it is to make sure anything you share with the
employer you share with us. Also, if we aren’t aware of what you are experiencing we
can’t support you.

Should you need any further assistance or have any questions, please feel free to
contact the CUPE office. We are here to support you. The CUPE office can be reached
at 905-571-7879 or by fax at 905-571-4102.

Stephanie Dezsi-
Disability Management Coordinator

Carrie Boisvert-
Catholic Board Disability Contact

John Allan-
Jehan Bisnauth-
Brandy Townson-

DCDSB Job Evaluation Update

DCDSB Job Evaluation Update

The good news is that we have finally reviewed two jobs in the SCT unit on November 27th and 28th. We are still working out the results but the important news is that we have finally begun.

We have a number of cyclical jobs that need to be reviewed as well as jobs where the
members have requested that their jobs be reviewed as they believe there has been
substantial change to their roles. Once the Steering committee approves, the positions will be reviewed in the near future.

CUPE 218 and the Board are planning another refresher training for the previous group who trained last year but so far have not sat or reviewed positions.

It is important that the Union is aware of Job Evaluation requests so we can follow up to ensure the packages are processed and on the list for evaluation. If you could please copy Carrie Boisvert (co-chair of steering committee) and the CUPE office on any Job Evaluation submissions or questions that you send to
the Board.

Job Evaluation Committee – Public Board

Job Evaluation Committee – Public Board

The long winter months are finally coming to an end. It’s so nice to see the sun again! The Job Evaluation Committee will be meeting on March 27th to review packages that were submitted earlier this school year. We were hoping for a meeting earlier this year however due to the Oracle rollout the Management members of the committee were not available.

If you have submitted a package, any change in rate of pay is retroactive to the date of submission not the date of review.

Have you recently been hired into a new position in which the posting said the rate of pay was set “pending job evaluation”? The Board posts these positions with the rate of pay they feel that the job will fall within based on comparison to other similar positions. However, after you have been in the position for 6 months, please complete a job evaluation package. This will give you a chance to give a detailed account of your actual job responsibilities. To obtain the package please email Lisa Coppins at at the Board and copy me at

It is important that the Union is aware of Job Evaluation requests so we can follow up to ensure the packages are processed and on the list for evaluation. If you could please copy me and the CUPE office on any Job Evaluation submissions or questions that you send the Board.

Take care,

Sharon Munro
Job Evaluation Committee Co-Chair

New Retirement Procedures

New Retirement Procedures

Here is the new information I got from OMERS.

They no longer do the Advanced Election Form as of about 2 weeks ago. I believe the Board filled out the paperwork i.e. banking info etc.

The Board waits until your last pay cheque before you retire then after that they send the updated information to OMERS in regards to credited service etc.

Once OMERS receives this information they send out a package by mail that takes about 20 business days. At the same time they send you an email to connect to your OMERS website to check your information is correct and to add banking information.

OMERS can do co-browse on line which means they can view the screen with you if you need help when you go to review and fill in information.

Once information is processed you get your pension the First of each month and any retro as soon as it’s ready.

So first example. My last pay is Dec 26. I retire Dec 31. So the Board can send in my
information after Dec 26th. Then I won’t get Jan 1 but I should get Feb 1 along Jan 1 Retro by Feb 1.

I am thinking the Holidays may affect this since I believe they are off until Jan 6 so pension might be delayed. I am not sure when the Board would do the paperwork.
Everyone has different pension amounts so if you aren’t sure what you monthly pension payment will be you must call them personally.

Here is the contact numbers for OMERS:Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Phone: +1 416.369.2444
Toll-free: +1 800.387.0813

Still thinking of what you want to do with the rest of your life and aren’t sure?
Well…CUPE ON Retirees group wants you! We need a seat on the OMERS board
so that you retirees have a say. If this intrigues you please reach out to using your personal email. Have a voice when it comes to
your pension.

Thank you!
Maureen Cope
Secretary -Treasurer
CUPE Local 218
2080 Wentworth St.
Whitby, ON. L1N 8W9
(905) 571-7879 Ext 112