Election Update

Dear Brothers & Sisters,

As you might already be aware, the election for the positions of Recording Secretary and Secretary Treasurer will not be held on Saturday, January 8th 2022 due to recent changes in provincial protocol and further restrictions.

The CUPE 218 Election Committee, with guidance from CUPE National, have selected Simply Voting as the new format which has both electronic and phone-in capabilities. The committee is working on establishing protocols for the election and the new date will be published when these details are finalized.

In order to be eligible to vote in the election, please complete your Member in Good Standing Form (Application for Membership for CUPE Local 218) by January 14, 2022. You are required to have a CUPE 218 email address in order to access this form which is located on the local’s website. If you have any issues accessing your local email, please contact the CUPE 218 office. For assistance with the form, please also email the office or john.quarrie@cupe218.ca

In Solidarity,
CUPE 218 Election Committee