Directions for Educator Staff

Educator staff (Educational Assistants, Early Childhood Educators and Teachers) are asked to review the following directions regarding tasks and work to be completed on January 3 and 4, 2022.

As per the earlier communication, all staff will be expected to return to work on Monday, January 3, 2022 (according to the directions provided).  Students will return to school (virtual and in person) on Wednesday, January 5, 2022.

It is anticipated that with the new protocols for self-screening and the associated requirements for self-isolation there may be significant student absences and there is potential for a critical level of staff shortages.  We will need to use January 3 and 4 effectively to plan for various scenarios that may arise.

Under the new protocols, boards have been directed to make every effort to maintain in person learning for students using various tools/practices available which may include combining classes and assigning students to different classes to ensure supervision.

PVP Meeting and Staff Meetings
A Principal/Vice Principal Meeting will be held on Monday, January 3, 2022, at 9 am to provide more detailed information and directions. All staff should expect to have a virtual staff meeting scheduled by your Principal in the afternoon on that day where more information will be shared, and additional questions/concerns can be discussed.

Work to be prioritized for completion
In preparation for the various contingencies we may face, all teachers, DECEs, and Educational Assistants are being asked to work on preparing the following items:

  • Emergency work packages for students that can be given to them in the event of an uncovered absence that requires re-distribution to another classroom for supervision.
  • Comprehensive Emergency Day Plans (for 3-5 days) that are geared toward use by potentially uncertified /inexperienced educators; these plans must include specific information for students with IEPs and information regarding safety plans, if applicable.
  • Home learning kits specifically for parents/guardians who have students with exceptionally high needs (to be used in the case of full school closures due to staffing constraints)
  • Resources and materials to support learning and engagement of students with special needs

Additional time should be focused on the following:

  • Completion of all required Health and Safety modules (accessed through the Board website staff login – click on the “Compliance and Online Learning Professional Development” button)
  • Division/Departmental contingency planning (ex. Emergency schedules in case of absences; identification of potential technology needs for students in case of a pivot to remote learning)
  • Assessment and Evaluation
  • Other planning and prep for return to learning

Please note: More specific direction for Consultants and Coordinators will be forthcoming from their respective Superintendents.

Thank you in advance for your work on these items.  Your preparation is much appreciated.

Tracy Barill
Director of Education / Secretary-Treasurer
Durham Catholic District School Board