DDSB New Case Summary

  • Cadarackque PS – confirmed case; grade 4/5, 5/6 class dismissed; Testing Wed. Mar. 31, Return April 6
  • Cadarackque PS – confirmed case – connected to March 24 case; 7/8 classroom currently dismissed is now considered in outbreak. Originally scheduled to return on April 2nd;  dismissal is now extended until April 6th.
  • Coronation PS – confirmed case; grade 5/6 and grade 2 class dismissed; PHN still investigating
  • Vaughn Willard PS – confirmed case – attended during period of communicability. No epi link to other cases in the school.
  • Vaughan Willard PS – two confirmed cases – grade 6 and KG class dismissed; testing March 29
  • Highbush PS – confirmed case – did not attend during period of communicability.
  • Duffins Bay PS – confirmed case – did not attend during POC.
  • Northern Dancer PS – confirmed case – did not attend during POC.
  • Dr. SJ Philips PS – confirmed case – attended during period of communicability. High risk contact in class cohort already in outbreak. Outbreak and class cohort isolation extended to April 5th.
  • Glen Street – confirmed case; part of the Grade 4 cohort that was dismissed March 25, confirmed community transmission,
  • Northern Dancer – confirmed case; grade 1; linked to grade 1 class in isolation as of March 21. Outbreak declared.
  • Vaughn Willard – confirmed case; linked to grade 7 class already in isolation as of March 25. DRHD will be declaring an outbreak.
  • Colonel J Farewell PS – confirmed case; grade 6 class dismissed
  • Forest View PS- confirmed case – did not attend during period of communicability
  • Westcreek PS – 2 confirmed cases – both attended during period of communicability. PHN investigating
  • Viola Desmond PS –  confirmed case – grade 4/5 and 5 classes dismissed