Vaccination Disclosure Policy – Updated Instructions from the Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health

Further to recent memos from the Ministry of Education, please find attached updated Instructions issued by the Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health that outline updated requirements for vaccination disclosure policies in the education sector. These instructions are effective January 17, 2022 and require a school board’s vaccination disclosure policy to be updated and implemented by January 20, 2022. The revisions include the following:

  • Ability for school boards to collect booster dose information from individuals covered by the board’s vaccination disclosure policy;
  • Requirement for school boards to report aggregated and depersonalized statistical information regarding booster dose coverage to the ministry on a regular basis;
  • Clarification regarding the scope of vaccination disclosure policies as it relates to other covered organizations;
  • Updated guidance regarding testing timelines for individuals who have tested positive for COVID-19; and
  • General updates to definitions.

We appreciate your continued cooperation to encourage vaccination and comply with these Instructions.


Nancy Naylor
Deputy Minister