Update from the OSBCU Re: Returning to Work January 4th

Please see attached the most recent update of information that we have.
  1. Update [Eng]
  2. Update [Fr]

We are also gathering from members stories to highlight the chaos that has been created by this government with their latest announcement.  These stories will be used without identifying names or school boards, but rather to show the human side of what is happening in our schools.  We plan to share these stories with the government and media.  Please feel free to share any stories you have heard or direct the members our way.

I appreciate that this break, much like this year, has been extraordinary.  I wanted to take a moment to thank each of you for your dedication and commitment over these two weeks.  I truly hope you were able to take time out for yourself, you deserve that and much more.

Happy new year to all of you and may 2021 bring in a new year full of promise!

All the best,

Laura Walton

Ontario School Board Council of Unions