Info from the Minister of Education Announcement

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text disable_pattern=”true” align=”left” margin_bottom=”0″]Good  afternoon,

Please see attached information regarding the recent announcements made by the Minister of Education

  1. Regarding Grants for Students Needs Funding Stabilization – a memo attached outlines details of this recent B memo.  It is imperative that locals familiarize themselves with this information – this information further supports the OSBCU position that there is no bass for reduced staffing levels.  Should you have any questions about this information please connect with your staff rep and OSBCU executive.
  2. Regarding the recent announcement made that gives $200 ($250 for students with needs)  to parents (exception is to students in high school) in Ontario – including parents whose child attends private school.  The OSBCU has been responding with these message lines. Please feel free to use these.
    • The Ford government has budgeted $380 million for its Learning Support Program, and what eligible parent wouldn’t be happy with an extra $200 to offset kids’ school expenses? (Ineligible parents, probably not so much.)
    • But there are so many better ways to spend the money during a pandemic – smaller class sizes, opening more space in schools, more staffing, cleaner schools, better supported learning.
    • OSBCU calculates that $380 million would pay for 6700 extra education workers, including custodians, EAs, student supervisors, ECEs etc. – all of whom have been identified as government priorities for a safe opening of schools.

RE: Job Security and Funding for School Boards – English
RE: Job Security and Funding for School Boards – French

Laura Walton

Ontario School Board Council of Unions
