Freedom of Information Request Sent

Good afternoon,

We wanted to reach out to keep locals updated.

For some time the OSBCU has been asking the Ministry of Education to show where the investment of “COVID Cash” has been made in relation to staffing for our schools.  The Ministry has been doing data collection on this issue through a “pulse survey”. To date, while they continue to talk about the close to 2000 custodians, EAs and DECEs hired across the province, they have been unable to provide us with details as to how many staff have actually been hired, whether they are  full time vs part time vs casual and in which boards.  We have heard very clearly from you, the leaders and from the membership that staffing is a huge issue across the province and that members are facing crippling workloads.

In the face of the governments failure to share, with the OSBCU, data as it relates to staffing created from COVID investments, despite our multiple requests, the OSBCU has submitted a MFIPPA or Freedom of Information request to provide the data as requested.

Should the government deny this request we will be looking at further options such as a media campaign addressing the lack of transparency as well as filing similar requests at a individual board level.

It is clear that we are in the midst of a second wave, the OSBCU has been adamant that the need for more staffing for cleaning, maintenance and improvements to ventilation as well as more staffing to reduce cohorts is a must in order to keep our schools, students and indeed our members safe.   It is shameful that we must go to this level to acquire information that will rightly show whether the Ministry and the Boards are using public funds as required.

We will follow up with information as we receive it.

In Solidarity,

Laura Walton

Ontario School Board Council of Unions