Emergency Child Care

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Emergency child care for school-age children

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The Ministry of Education has released a targeted emergency child care to support parents of school-age children who may not be able to support their child’s learning or care at home. This free program is available to eligible workers between January 4 and 25, 2021 for children enrolled in publicly-funded elementary schools.

Complete this brief questionnaire to assess your eligibility.

If eligible, you will need to upload proof of your employment as an eligible worker. This may include a paystub, employee photo identification, or letter from your employer.

For more information, please visit the Children’s Services Division Frequently Asked Questions web page.

The information you provide is collected in a safe and secure manner. This information is collected in accordance with s.29(2) of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and pursuant to section 71 of the Child Care Early Years Act, 2014. Information on this form will be used to determine eligibility for Emergency Child Care in Durham Region and will be shared with approved emergency child care centres. By completing this form, you agree to be contacted by The Children’s Services Division with the email or phone number provided.

Link to Questionnaire
