DDSB Staffing for the Virtual School

Good morning everyone:

We are moving closer to our September 8th back-to-school date, and it is exciting that plans are taking shape!

We thank all those who indicated an interest in working in our virtual schools.  The allocation teams have been working hard to place staff in virtual positions based on needs of our students and staff.  If you indicated an interest in virtual school, you may be placed directly into a position and notified of same.  Once that happens your in-class position may be backfilled to ensure adequate staffing in schools.    Please know that the timelines we’re working with may not allow the school board to go back and adjust once placements have been made.

Alternatively, you may have indicated an interest and we may not be able to accommodate your placement in virtual school.   It is unfortunate that this may be the case, but rest assured that your name will be retained throughout the process in case new positions are identified.

You may submit your request to change your direction (i.e. from virtual to in class, or vice versa), but we cannot guarantee that we will be able to accommodate that request once placements have been made.    Consideration for changes in secondary may be possible at the time quadmesters change.

Please stay tuned as we finalize all of our back-to-school plans.  We will make every effort to ensure that you have the information you need as soon as possible.

Jim Markovski

Acting Associate Director, Academic Services

Kathy Gooding

Chief Human Resources Officer