Caring to cope through COVID – live, interactive webinar

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Winter can be a challenging time and this year you may be struggling even more to comfort yourself and others.
Caring to cope through COVID: stories of giving and receiving support is an interactive webinar with real-life stories and an expert panel offering realistic ways to help yourself and others.
You’ll be invited to share your stories and ask questions, too. After the webinar, the recording and helpful tips will be available on the Workplace Strategies YouTube channel.
Be sure to mark your calendar with the webinar on Jan. 18, 2021 from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m., ET. You can also share this invitation with friends and family.
The webinar will be presented in English but simultaneous French audio will be available.

To get French audio

  • Mute your computer audio
  • Call 1-844-304-8920 (Canada toll-free)
  • Use conference ID: 480 803 954#
This is a Microsoft Teams Live event. Make sure you’ve downloaded the Teams app before the webinar.
You can join here
