OSBCU Statement

Good afternoon,

This information may be shared with your members via email and social media.

Please find attached a statement issued by the OSBCU in response to the announcement made yesterday by Doug Ford.

It continues to baffle us, why this government fails to provide clear directive that would keep our members, our families and our communities safe.

One of the asks within our statement was regarding vaccinations. Today the government announced Phase 2 of the vaccinations – it appears that it only includes teachers – we have already called this to the attention of our contacts, who have notified folks of the statement – should this truly include education workers, we have asked that a statement with the correct information be issued immediately – in short excluding education workers at this point is not acceptable.

We continue to advocate for our members – this is our first priority.

Should you have any questions,

Laura Walton


Ontario School Board Council of Unions

  1. Bulletin [Eng]
  2. Bulletin [Fr]