Join Us! Hands Off Our Rights Protest!

Dear CUPE Local 218 Members,

2 weeks ago, you and your coworkers made history with a high participation strike vote that provided a clear mandate for the bargaining team and sent a clear message to the government – CUPE OSBCU Education Workers are willing to fight for the demands that we have made – Good Jobs and Better Services.

Now we need to turn up the volume on our message with direct action this Saturday!

The Ontario PC Caucus is holding their annual convention this weekend at the Toronto Congress Centre in Mississauga.  We are going to meet them there for lunch and make our demands clear!  Please join us, Saturday October 22, 2022 at 11:30. Please plan to join us!

We also have a registration link as we will be serving “Solidarity Sandwiches”. Please ensure that you register so that we have numbers.

Hands off our rights protest registration.

This is a chance prior to moving to strike for us to visibly show the power that has been growing!


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In Solidarity

Laura Walton
CUPE Ontario School Board Council of Unions
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