DDSB School closure info to Custodial Maintenance

Good morning all,

As schools have been officially closed for both in-person learning and childcare, afternoon shift is asked not to report for work and will be paid based on their scheduled shift. We would like to extend our sincere gratitude to all staff that reported to their schools today and ensured the sites were open, your dedication is appreciated.

All staff currently on site are asked to ensure all education and childcare staff have vacated the site, secure the buildings and leave when you feel it is safe to do so. Day staff who reported will be paid for the remainder of the day. Plow contractors can be contacted to assist with snow removal in the event you are unable to get out of the parking lot.

Our apologies for the delay in messaging, your patience is appreciated.

Safe travels!


Jamie Bertram
Manager of Custodial Services
Facilities Services Dept
Durham District School Board