Affiliated Members of the OSBCU – November 2, 2021 10:00am-4:00pm and November 16, 2021 10:00am-4:00pm

Good morning,

Please find attached the graphic, zoom registration, French and English applications for the political action training. Please share with your membership as we are looking for members who have not already taken the previous training sessions.

To: Affiliated Members of the OSBCU

We can all agree that we are living through unprecedented times. The past two years have seen extraordinary events – a tough round of bargaining, a global pandemic, a shutdown of schools, a reopening of schools and again another wave of the pandemic. The key to the achievements made in our sector can be fully attributed to the mobilization of members on key issues.

The OSBCU believes that grassroots organization and political action are key to gains that we need to make, both in the current context of working and living in a pandemic and as we prepare to bargain in 2022. To that end we are thrilled to announce the launch of the OSBCU Political Action Group.

We are currently looking for one (1) member per local, to receive training and be part of our regional efforts. Activities in this group may include any or all of:

Working with Area Mobilization Officers;
Meeting with Local Politicians (school board trustees, municipal politicians, local Member
of Provincial Parliament and local Member of Parliament);

Supporting locals with media;
Outreach to members;
Working with local executive to incorporate Political Action into local strategic plan;
Available for book off if required;
Available to volunteer on evenings and weekends
An application for Group is attached. Applications must be received by October 25, 2021 and must be endorsed by your local president.

We look forward to including you on this new initiative.

President, OSBCU

October 4, 2021

President, OSBCU