PROTEST! JULY 14th – 12 PM

PROTEST! JULY 14th – 12 PM
1955 Valley Farm Rd, Pickering

The Ford government has given preliminary approval for a new 30-year license and expansion to Orchard Villa in Pickering. It is the long-term care home where at least 71 of the residents died as a result of COVID-19. Others died of malnutrition and many suffered horrific neglect. The military was called into that home.

CUPE Ontario joins the Families of Orchard Villa, the Durham Health Coalition, and the Ontario Health Coalition in their outrage upon learning that the Ford government would reward Southbridge (the for-profit chain that owns Orchard Villa) with a new license and expansion.

To stop this, the Ontario Health Coalition is holding a protest at Orchard Villa on Wednesday July 14 at 12 PM.

Please join us in protesting this horrific injustice.

Wednesday July 14, 12 pm, outside Orchard Villa Long-Term Care Home, 1955 Valley Farm Rd, Pickering

“The report stated a number of problems, which included cockroaches and flies being found, residents were not being fed sitting upright and it’s believed at least one death was caused by this. Rotting food could be smelled from the hallway and old food trays were stacked inside bedside tables. Patients were left in soiled diapers. Hydration schedules were not being adhered to; important belongings were not within residents’ reach; mattresses were put on the floor so residents could not get up to wander.” from summary of the military report on Orchard Villa