Honorary Retiring Card

B.10.1 Honorary Retiring Card

(a) A member who has reached retirement age or is unable to work can apply to the Secretary-Treasurer of the Local Union for an Honorary Retiring Card when they leave employment. If the member is in good standing, members of the Local Union will vote on the application at a regular membership meeting. If a majority of members vote in favour of the application, the Secretary-Treasurer will send the name and address of the retiring member to the National Secretary-Treasurer who will issue the Retiring Card.

(b) A member who holds an Honorary Retiring Card is not required to pay dues to the Local Union nor per capita tax to the National Union. A member who resumes employment after receiving an Honorary Retiring Card will give the Card to the Secretary-Treasurer of the Local Union and is required to pay dues to the Local Union and per capita tax to the National Union.

(c) A member who holds an Honorary Retiring Card can attend and speak at membership meetings of the Local Union but cannot vote. A member who holds an Honorary Retiring Card cannot speak or vote at Convention.