Changes to Schools in January

December 21, 2020

Subject Line: Changes to Schools in January

Dear Colleagues,

Earlier today, the Ministry of Education announced the closure of in-person schools to students following the winter break in accordance with the Provincewide Shutdown to help stop the spread of COVID-19.

In-person elementary students will return to in-person learning on Monday, January 11, 2021. In-person secondary students will return to in-person learning on Monday, January 25, 2021.

All elementary and secondary students will be learning virtually during the period that in-person schools are closed. Both secondary cohorts will be attending  both virtual classes each day.  Both elementary and secondary schools will be holding virtual staff meetings on Monday, January 4 in the morning and we are asking school staff to have a check-in with students in the afternoon. Remote learning will commence on Tuesday, January 5, 2021 with regular class schedules.

The main goal of those meetings will be to create a collaborative plan amongst educators in terms of a schedule for live learning during the week by grade. We recognize that many staff have elementary-aged children at home and that meeting the requirements of PPM 164 individually by classroom may be a challenge.  We are therefore encouraging, where needed, for school solutions to be developed.  These solutions may include, for example, team teaching a larger group of students to divide the teaching time in half.  We also recognize through our experience in DDSB@Home that the number of minutes within PPM164 for students in grades K-3 is too long and that educators will need to work with families to reduce screen time.

This closure does not impact school-based administrators, school office and school custodial staff who will be required to attend school sites in order to support the effective running of school operations as we anticipate there are some school based tasks that are required to be completed.

While schools are closed, an exception can be made for students with specialized programs as per the Ministry direction.  In-person learning will be an available option for students in the following program placements:  Developmental, Practical Learning Programs and Structured Learning Classes – (alternative curriculum) commencing January 5, 2021.  Inclusive Student Services is surveying families of students in these programs to confirm in-person from January 5 – January 8, 2021.  This information will be reviewed to determine what in-person special education classes are required.  Classroom staff for these programs may be required to support the in-person programming.  

School-based educators have the option to attend school sites if they are unable to provide quality remote instruction to students from home. The Ministry of Education has provided direction to all school districts that PPM 164 will be implemented as of January 4, 2021.

We recognize that some staff members may have childcare obligations between January 4 and 8 due to elementary schools being closed. For that reason, we are looking for schools to create collaborative schedules to support staff during this challenging time.  If any members contact you with concerns about the first week schedule due to family status accommodation, please have them reach out to their supervisor.  We will work to support individual circumstances.

Employee groups not based in schools will be receiving a separate communication outlining the approach that we are taking during the period that our region of Ontario is in a Provincewide Shutdown. 

I have attached the messaging that will go out all staff and families this evening.

  1. Message to All Staff Re: January [PDF]
  2. Message to Secondary Families Re: January [PDF]
  3. Message to Elementary Families Re: January [PDF]

Please let me know if you would like to connect for a meeting or phone call.


Heather Mundy