Operational Guidance: COVID-19 Management in Schools

As stated in the Guide to Reopening Ontario’s Schools, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health and public health officials will work closely with school boards to monitor and respond to reports of COVID-19 symptoms.

Schools must immediately report any suspected or confirmed cases of COVID-19 within the school to the local public health unit and provide any materials (e.g., daily attendance and transportation records) to public health officials to support case management and contact tracing and other activities in accordance with all applicable legislation, including the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Public health officials will determine any additional steps required, including but not limited to the declaration of an outbreak and closure of classes and/or schools.

In order to support school boards in managing illness within the school or confirmed cases of COVID-19 within the school community, the ministry has developed the attached Operational Guidance: COVID-19 Management in Schools. This document is intended to support the district school boards and school authorities in preparation of outbreak monitoring.

For the purposes of COVID-19 outbreak coordination with the ministry, the main point of contact will be the Regional Manager of the Ministry of Education’s Field Services Branch Regional Office.  Please contact the appropriate individual for your region as indicated below for more information.

Region Regional Manager Phone Email
Central Andrew Locker 705-725-7631


East Julie Champagne 613-225-9442
North Stephen Simard 707-492-9936 Stephen.Simard@ontario.ca
Toronto Andrew Locker (Temporary Acting) 416-314-8679 Andrew.Locker@ontario.ca
West Jeff Moser 519-667-2044 Jeff.Moser@ontario.ca

Thank you for your support and commitment to learning as we prepare for the safe reopening schools in Ontario.

Nancy Naylor
Deputy Minister


Operational guidance: COVID-19 management in schools

cc:        Executive Director, Association des conseils scolaires des écoles publiques de l’ontario (ACÉPO)

Executive Director, Association franco-ontarienne des conseils scolaires catholiques (AFOCSC)

Executive Director, Ontario Catholic School Trustees’ Association (OCSTA)

Executive Director, Ontario Public School Boards’ Association (OPSBA)

Executive Director, Council of Ontario Directors of Education (CODE)

Executive Director and Secretary-Treasurer, Association des enseignantes et des enseignants franco-ontariens (AEFO)

General Secretary, Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario (ETFO)

General Secretary, Ontario English Catholic Teachers’ Association (OECTA)

General Secretary, Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation (OSSTF)

Chair, Ontario Council of Educational Workers (OCEW)

Chair, Education Workers’ Alliance of Ontario (EWAO)

Co-ordinator, Canadian Union of Public Employees – Ontario (CUPE-ON)