DDSB Return to School Update

Dear Colleagues,


This afternoon, the Government of Ontario’s announced their plan for the return to school in September. In that plan, our district will be required to implement a full return to school at the elementary level and a hybrid return for the secondary level.


You can read the Ministry’s Guide to reopening Ontario’s schools at:


There are still several details that we are waiting to receive from the Ministry of Education that we will need to review. The Ministry of Education has scheduled a meeting with DDSB staff next week to discuss the district’s plan for the return to school. It is our goal that after the meeting to continue our work with the Durham Region Health Department to confirm details within our return to school plan and will share that information with you.


We are sending a letter to families and public FAQ this evening that you will find attached to this e-mail.


The highlights of the Ministry’s announcement are the following: 

Elementary Schools (Kindergarten to Grade 8) 

Elementary school students will attend school 5 days per week, with students grouped together in a cohort for the full day, including recess and lunch. Enhanced health and safety protocols will be in place and the full range of elementary curriculum will be provided.


Secondary Schools (Grades 9 to 12) 

Secondary schools in Durham will open with a hybrid model that combines in-person and remote learning. Students will be placed in groups of approximately 15 students, attending on alternate schedules. The DDSB will be reviewing programming for students with a high level of special education needs who may require daily attendance and instruction at the secondary level.



The Ministry has indicated that students in Grades 4 to 12 will be required to wear non-medical or cloth masks indoors in school, including in hallways and during classes. Students in Kindergarten to Grade 3 will be encouraged by the DDSB to wear masks in indoor spaces.


Medical masks and eye protection (i.e. face shield) will be provided for all teachers and other staff of school boards. All school-based staff will be required to wear masks, with reasonable exceptions for medical conditions. School-based staff who are regularly in close contact with students will be provided with all appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE).


Opting-Out of In-Person Learning 

Families will be receiving an e-mail on Friday July 31 on how to opt-out their child(ren) from in-person learning. If families do not opt-out by the deadline of Wednesday August 12, it is assumed that their child(ren) will be attending school in-person. Depending on the number of students opting-out of in-person learning and the Ministry’s expectation of regular instructional minutes for students learning remotely, it may have an impact and require re-staffing and re-timetabling.


Return to School Page on SPARK 

We are working towards developing a Return to School page on SPARK that will continue to be updated as new information becomes available. The page will include:

  • HR Information and Guidelines
  • Return to School Staff Guide for September 2020 with detailed information on health and safety measures that will be undertaken in workplaces. The development of this guide has been supported by the Durham Region Health Department.
  • Education Centre Reopening Guide
  • Staff FAQs

Public Return to School Page 

We are in the process of launching a public Return to School page and Frequently Asked Questions at that will provide updated information for families on a regular basis. This page will be launched in the coming days.

As we work towards the return to school in September, we will endeavour to create a supportive and safe environment with you, understanding how unusual the times are. We very much appreciate the work that you have done thus far to support our students and each other.



Norah Marsh
Acting Director of Education