OSBCU Members’ Bulletin June 2020

Dear CUPE education workers:
At the end of this strangest of school years, we find ourselves not winding down for the summer, but instead gearing up on several fronts.

It turns out that sending students home was the easy part of dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic.
Reopening our schools will be a lot trickier.

The next stages will be challenging, as we prepare for the following:

  • fighting off any attempts by boards to reduce services and staffing and using the job protection language in our central agreement
  • making sure that CUPE school board workers return to work safely in the fall
  • preparing for what the new school year will look like: additional safety measures, professional development, online and remote learning, in-class distancing and cohorting

So many of our members have worked valiantly to maintain our schools and support our students.

Your OSBCU representatives will do all we can in the weeks and months ahead to make sure that schools can re-open safely in the fall and that students and
staff have the best possible services when classes begin again.

We wish everyone a good summer and a safe and healthy return to class in September.

In solidarity,

Laura Walton
OSBCU President

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