DDSB Update to Site Checks


I hope everyone is staying well.  As you know, the Province has stated that schools will not open for students on May 4th.  A date for students to return has not been given at this time.

We will continue with site checks for each facility, and the rotation of staff doing the checks, as outlined in the April 8 email to you all.

  • Checks will occur between 9am and 11am at all schools.
    • Safety footwear, uniforms and ID tags required to be worn at all times
  • During the checks, the following will be completed daily:
    • Exterior check of building, ensuring all doors locked
    • Interior check of entire school including mechanical rooms, ensuring no issues or concerns within each room
    • Monitor emails, messages
    • Submit emergency Work Orders for any issues found during check.  If unable to submit a Work Order, please contact your supervisor
    • Pick-up outside garbage


New Items for Site Checks:

Starting next week, internal checks will only be completed on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.  

External checks will occur each day, Monday to Friday.

During the internal check, please ensure that: 

  • All toilets are flushed once a week.  Please stay in the bathroom to ensure the toilet(s) stop running after the flush.
  • Urinals are automatically flushing.
  • Print and complete copy of attached ‘Custodial Operations Site Check Log’.  If you are unable to print, please contact your supervisor for a copy.

Wednesday April 22:

  • On this day, school staff will be given a time slot (by Principal or Vice Principal) to access the building, one person at a time, to retrieve items to continue distance learning for students.  
  • Please ensure that hand sanitizer is available at the access doors for the staff to use.  
  • Custodial staff on site are not to assist with the removal of items. 
  • Hours of work on this day will be 9am to noon. 
  • Custodial Supervisors will let the custodial staff working next week if school staff will be accessing the building on this day.
    • Potential for future access days.  Information will be provided, if this is to occur.

For the Friday internal check following the Wednesday April 22 access day, please ensure that you disinfect the door handle on both sides of the door of each classroom and office within the building, following the protocol outlined on page 3 of the attached.

Please know that all staff accessing the schools on April 22 must do so under the same protocols as everyone entering DDSB buildings at this time.  

The protocol is as follows:

If any of the conditions noted below apply, then staff MUST NOT access the building and other arrangements will need to be made for another staff member to pick up the required resources.

If anyone answers yes to the following questions, they DO NOT enter the building.

Do you have any of the following symptoms:

  • Fever
  • New cough
  • Difficulty breathing

Have you:

  • Travelled outside of Canada within the last 14 days
  • Had close contact to someone who has COVID-19 or COVID-like illness (fever, new cough, difficulty breathing)
  • Had close contact to someone with symptoms that has travelled outside Canada 14 days before symptoms begun

Upon leaving the building, it is staff’s responsibility to advise their Principal should they present with any linked symptoms within the next days following their visit to the school.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your Custodial Supervisor.

Take care.


Christine Nancekivell

Chief Facilities Officer

Durham District School Board


Custodial Operations Site Check Log – DOC

Custodial Operations Update COVID – PDF